wednesday, may 26th, 2021
Friday, November 20th, 2020
Cooking with Kellen & Mrs. G recipes can be found here:
Smoothie- basic, add protein, chia seeds or other fruits if you wish. Grilled cheese- recipe file to the right --> "Gilliland" Chicken Pumpkin Muffins- The recipe link is for the basic muffin...see file to the right --> for the pumpkin version... this is from the cook book- "Run Fast Cook Fast Eat Slow" |
August 1st, 2020
As the new school year approaches, please refer to CANVAS for all your PE needs until further notice. Here are some helps for CANVAS:
Your login information for canvas is the SAME as Infinite Campus
Username: student ID
Password: mmddyyy birthday
**Please feel free to look around the PE website for information regarding PE once we return to campus. However, we know that currently it will all be online and information for PE requirements online are ALL within your child's canvas account.**
Please also make sure you have access to PARENT SQUARE, communication for all CLMS students is done on this website.
Your login information for canvas is the SAME as Infinite Campus
Username: student ID
Password: mmddyyy birthday
**Please feel free to look around the PE website for information regarding PE once we return to campus. However, we know that currently it will all be online and information for PE requirements online are ALL within your child's canvas account.**
Please also make sure you have access to PARENT SQUARE, communication for all CLMS students is done on this website.
Thursday, JUNE 4TH
After over 50 days of posting videos (68 after today)... I forgot to post one for Wednesday. So sorry! However, since today is the LAST day of video posting... Themed Thursday, I have MORE videos for you to choose from than usual. You can do all four if you like! On behalf of the PE department, we hope that you have a wonderful summer! Keep staying fit and we can't wait to see you all in August!
Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020
week 11 day 2
Tabata Tuesday! Seven minutes of workout time. You got this... You can always do this Tabata and Lower Body workout with Mrs. Gilliland.
Attention all 6th & 7th graders, you will have the opportunity today between 5 & 7pm at CLMS to pick up your PE clothes. This will be the only time we will be able to do this before summer break. Please look for further instructions from Mr. Rodriguez, we have just been given permission to allow you to do this, so apologies for the last minute details. |
Monday, June 1st 2020
week 11 day 1
Time to dig in to some cardio after a weekend of relaxation! Only 4 days of school left! Make them count!
Mrs. G will be running 5 miles and doing week 11 day 1 of THIS WORKOUT. |
Friday, May 29th, 2020
week 10 day 5
After another week of digital school work, and starring at computers, TV's and cell phones, this is the perfect Yoga workout to relax the neck and rejuvenate the body before the weekend! In addition to this workout, remember to enjoy the outdoors safely. Ride a bike, go for a walk, play in your yard.
Mrs. Gilliland will be running 5 miles today and doing this workout: week 10 day 5 workout with Heather Robertson. |
Thursday, May 28th, 2020
Week 10 Day 4
This one -----------------> <------------Or one that one? Can you do both? Mrs. G will be doing this one too: Week 10 Day 4 |
Wednesday, May 27th, 2020
Week 10 day 3
Happy Wednesday, "Hump HIIT" Workout Day!
Today you have a 20 minute low impact HIIT workout with our friend Joe from, The Body Coach. He's always entertaining and fun! If you would like to do the No Repeat HIIT workout that Mrs. Gilliland is doing today, CLICK HERE. She will also be running 5 miles. |
Tuesday, may 26th, 2020
Week day 10 day 2
Hey there everyone!
Hope you had a great extra day off to remember those who served our country bravely and sacrificed for our freedom. Today we have a Power Cardio workout, only 10 minutes long to get you sweating and burn off those calories from any treats you may have added to yesterday's events. We made a Pazookie... and as tasty as those are, they can mess up health goals pretty quickly! If you are up for a a little longer of a workout today, join Mrs. Gilliland in week 10 Day 2 of her 12 week training with Heather Robertson. Don't forget to read below and get extra credit on this easy flipgrid assignment! |
Monday, may 26th, 2020
week 10 day 1
![]() Hey Everyone!
I am learning how to use a new resource for school next year called FLIPGRID and thought I'd create an activity and invite everyone to join in. It's really easy, fun and a great way to share your thoughts! Check out this short video to learn what FLIPGRID IS... its 45 second long. ------------------> WHAT IS FLIPGRID? Recently there was a survey sent out by the school district asking parents how they preferred their students learn next school year; at school, hybrid home & school, or at home. **Extra credit points for each student in Mrs. Gilliland's class that completes the video. When you log in to make your own video students and teachers/staff use their school email address: CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR VIDEO OR USE THE QR CODE ----> Parents without a school email address make your video HERE as a guest. |
I thought it would be a great idea to let everyone try it out, the more participation the better: Students, Parents, and STAFF. How do you wanna learn next year? I already made my video and you can watch it... Your max video recording time is 1 minute!
Friday, May 22nd, 2020
week 9 day 5
Finishing off another week of at home fitness with Pilates. Don't be fooled by the title, just because it's for beginners, doesn't mean this isn't challenging! So, grab a mat or a comfy piece of carpet and get ready to work!
If you want a little more, Mrs. Gilliland is doing THIS workout and running 5 miles today! Have a great weekend everyone! If you are in Mrs. G's class, don't forget about Fitness Friday at 9am! Zoom details were in a Parentsquare message last week. Same login information! |
Thursday, May 21st, 2020
week 9 day 4
Welcome to another Themed Thursday workout.. today you will be working out with The Black Panther! Enjoy this full body workout as Dr. Strange brings you to the fight to help defeat Thanos once and for all! If you aren't familiar with The Avengers, than that did not make any sense, but since you have extra time- if you have Disney+ they are very entertaining movies- with your parents permission of course.
If you are keeping up with Mrs. G she is on Week 9 Day 4 of the Heather Robertson 12 week training. CLICK HERE to workout with her, she will also be running 2 1/2 miles today! |
Wednesday, May 20th, 2020
week 9 day 3
So, today you will need one item for the workout... a coin. If you have a penny, use that, if you have a bigger coin, use that. OR if you have an item (that won't break) with two sides that you can gently toss, use that! The coin/item will decide! A fun twist to the workout for the day.
Mrs. Gilliland will also be running 5 miles and doing this workout today! |
Tuesday, May 19th, 2020
week 9 day 2
Got a short but fierce tabata workout for you today! This is a full body workout without any weights that will get your heart pumping and body sweating! Remember to take time each day to care for your physical health. Sitting all day is really bad for you!
Check out this article to the right ------> Mrs. G is running 2 1/2 miles today and doing this workout. |
Monday, May 18, 2020
Week 9 day 1
Today we are going to start the week off with a little cardio! This is a 20 minute workout that also includes a warm-up and a cool down. Get your water bottle ready and a towel, and get ready to burn some serious calories!
Mrs. Gilliland is still on her 12 week fitness journey, if you'd like to join her today for week 9 day 1 of the Heather Robertson workouts, please click HERE. |
Friday, may 15th, 2020
week 8 day 5
it's the final day of the Sally Week Long Challenge! If you have kept up with the week of Sally challenges, than you have done a full body workout of Sally!
If you'd like to do the workout that Mrs. Gilliland is doing, please CLICK HERE. She will also be running 5 miles today. |
Thursday, May 14th, 2020
Week 8 Day 4
Another day of a Sally Challenge! You've done squats, push-ups, Leg Lifts, Glute Bridge Lifts and now... LUNGES! Can you hang (or lunge...) for 3 1/2 minutes? Get it done! You got this!
If you'd like to do a Tabata workout with Mrs G, CLICK HERE |
wednesday, may 13th, 2020
week 8 day 3
You have TWO Sally Challenges today! BUTT and hips/core/legs. Can you do both?? Get your Sally on!
Also, Mrs. Gilliland will be running 5 miles and completing this leg workout if you are up for the challenge. |
Tuesday, May 12th, 2020
week 8 day 2
A week long of "Sally" challenges is coming your way! Yesterday was a squat challenge and today is a push-up challenge! Don't worry if you can't complete them all regularly, even the guys in this video have to modify! Remember, if you are on your knees, keep your back straight and focus on 90 degree angle in the arms! You can do it!
If you want to follow along with the workout Mrs. Gilliland is completing today, CLICK HERE |
Monday, May 11th, 2020
week 8 day 1
We promised more Sally, and here she is! Each day this week we will bring Sally back to challenge different parts of the body!
In light of Mother's Day yesterday, we hope you all spoiled your mommy's and had a great day celebrating how awesome she is! This workout to the right is for the entire family, so grab your mom and dad or other family members, or whoever you live with and have them join you in this sweat sesh!!
Mrs. Gilliland will be running 5 miles and completing this workout, join along if you need some more workout time!
friday May 8th, 2020
Week 7 day 5
We have made it to the end of the 7th week of online school! I hope you are all healthy and able to continue to complete these daily workouts to help you stay active and fit. Today's Yoga only seemed appropriate by the title, "Movement Medicine." Movement really is the best way to stay well. I hope you all enjoy this day of recovery.
If you want a little more intensity today, here is the workout Mrs. Gilliland will be completing, CLICK HERE. In addition to another 5 mile run. Also- Don't forget Mrs. Gilliland is hosting a zoom workout today at 9am, please Jupiter message her ASAP if you want to join so she can give you the Login ID and password! |
thursday, May 7th, 2020
Week 7 Day 4
We are giving you a little taste of Sally this week! Get ready, because she WILL be back next week... I'll leave the rest for imagination until Monday. In the mean time, test your abilities with this workout. In this video, the athletes are performing on stairs. If you have the ability to get to stairs, you can. If not, just jump forward and reach forward.
If you are keeping up with Mrs. Gilliland, she is going to do THIS WORKOUT today and then try for Sally Tabata as workout #2 for the day! |
wednesday, May 6th, 2020
Week 7 day 3
Hump "HIIT" day Wednesday! This is a low impact 20 minute workout. This is a good one folks! Unlike some of the other shorter workouts, this one is only needs to be completed once.
Mrs. Gilliland will be doing another 5 mile run and this workout |
Tuesday, may 5th, 2020
Week 7 day 2
Happy Tabata Tuesday! AKA Cinco da Mayo! This workout to the right is really great. It is short. I recommend watching the entire video first, and then set an alarm that goes off every few hours and complete the workout multiple times throughout the day. Short bursts of exercises for four minutes are great. Sitting for too long has a ton of harmful effects, mix it up and you'll feel better! I would recommend 3 or 4 times throughout the day completing this workout.
If you want a little more challenge you can do THIS HIIT workout with Mrs. Gilliland. OR- Check out this CINCO DE MAYO WORKOUT This Friday Mrs. G will host a short zoom workout at 9 am. If you were not in her class, but would like to participate, please send her a message through Jupiter Ed and she can give you the Zoom login meeting info. Please contact before Friday for info. Happy Tuesday! |
Monday, may 4th, 2020
week 7 day 1
"May the 4th Be with you!" Happy Star Wars Day! 😂😂Today was supposed to be a dress up day, so send pictures to Mrs. Gilliland of your best Star Wars outfits at [email protected] and we will post them on the PE website!
Today we have another workout for you, muscle up Monday! The themed workout comes to you early this week since today's theme around the globe is Star Wars! And, once you finish the workout, you can watch the newest Star Wars Movie on Disney+ (if you have it) because they are releasing it TODAY! Mrs. Gilliland will be running another 5 miles today and completing Week 7 Day 1 of her Youtube workout. |
Friday, May 1st, 2020
Week 6 day 5
Yay! It's Friday, and that means it's time for some yoga! This is actually a yoga video that is specifically designed for middle school aged kids... notice the kiddos in the video?
Mrs. Gilliland will be finishing up the week with THIS workout video and running another 5 miles.
If you completed the Flappy Bird workout challenge from Monday, April 27th, (scroll down a little) than this video below looks familiar. Massimo Pepe completed the squat challenge with a high score of 87! Great Job Massimo! Everyone is challenged to complete the challenge! Anyone brave enough to try it with push-ups?
Thursday, APril 29th, 2020
Week 6 day 4
Click HERE if you want to do Mrs. Gilliland's workout today!
Today's theme is Batman and Joker!
These are both very short workouts, you can complete both, multiple times to get a good workout. Again, we recommend doing them through the day when you need academic breaks! |
Wednesday, April 29th, 2020
Week 6 Day 3
You have a few choices today... OR you can do both! I would recommend a gap between if you wanna do both, each of them are HIIT workouts with some cardio. You can also check them both out first and then pick one. Happy Sweating!
Mrs. G's workout HERE |
tuesday, april 28th, 2020
week 6 day 2
Today we have a few options for you this fine Tuesday. Your first option is another workout with our Buddy Joe. Joe is just a cool guy. Today he provides some pre-workout stretching that is helpful for the joints. Take advantage of each aspect he provides you in your workout. You really can't go wrong working out with Joe every day.
Your second option is a tabata workout from Pop Sugar. If you don't want to workout with Joe and you wanna stick with more of a Tabata style workout, since it's Tuesday... we have a workout from Pop Sugar. Their Youtube page provides all different types of workouts from a variety of people. Twenty seconds of work, ten seconds of rest. If you didn't see it yesterday, we provided a short video to teach you how to create a make-up mile as well. Scroll down below to see the details. If you are keeping up with Mrs. G, here is the workout she will be doing today : CLICK HERE. |
Monday, APril 27th, 2020
The video to the right is a "How to Video" for creating a make up mile to help improve your grade during quarantine time. If you need to improve your grade in PE, please start with this work first. Happy Running Cougars!
week 6 day 1
Today's video starts a week of challenges... this is a little bit different than any video we have sent you. With your parents permission, after watching this "How-To" video, download the instagram info and complete the Flappy Bird Workout Challenge. Share with your teacher via Jupiter Ed a screen shot of your high score! If you are unable to complete the challenge, don't fret- you can complete a previous Monday workout, OR complete the video Mrs. Gilliland is going to do today in addition to her run today (Mrs. G ran 20 miles last week!) Here is a LINK to the video Mrs. G is doing today.
Friday, April 24th, 2020
week 5 day 5
You've made it to Friday again. This Yoga is 25 minutes and it's for the whole family! The perfect exercises to bring you into the weekend. If you need a little bit more of an intense workout, you can follow along with Mrs. Gilliland and do THIS WORKOUT. I will also be running 5-6 miles today.
Thursday, APril 23, 2020
Week 5 day 4Another Thursday Themed Workout for you! Fortnite and Marshmello together. This is another video provided by the great PE crew at CCE! We love sharing the fun fitness! This video is short, about 4 minutes. Our challenge is for you to stop and do it a few times throughout the day! Try not to sit at a computer (or just sit for that matter) for longer than two hours at a time.
Mrs. Gilliland is continuing her fitness journey, along with some outdoor vitamin D time... got 5 miles in yesterday. The Levee was closed, but still got outside. Here is her workout for today. |
Wednesday, APril 22nd, 2020
Mid-Day Encouragement... May the entire 4 minute video encourage you!
Wednesday, april 22nd, 2020
week 5 day 3
Since we didn't give you a workout yesterday with The Body Coach, we thought we'd get you one today! It is a 20 minute workout. Remember HIIT = Hight Intensity Interval Training. Short bursts of hard effort repeated to improve your overall health. Joe is a great trainer, and keeps you entertained while being encouraged. He does the whole workout with you which is really great.
If you're trying to keep up with Mrs. Gilliland, she'll be doing a solo run on the Lake Elsinore Levee tomorrow and THIS WORKOUT. |
Tuesday, April 21st, 2020
week 5 day 2
Tabata Tuesday!
This is a 4 minute full body workout. However, in order to get a complete workout... you must complete the video 3 times. Take a short water break in between each set. We have completed another workout by these athletes, but it may have been last school year. They have perfected the tabata exercises. If you'd like to continue along with Mrs. Gilliland and her online workouts, please click here. |
Monday, April 20th, 2020
Week 5 day 1
Another week and a brand new workout. This one is all performed by a kiddo who appears to be middle school age. You will need a chair and a soft place to put it, like carpet or a mat... labradoodle optional. My kids call those kinds of dogs poobador. Please be advised that when completing the sit-ups, that you should NOT pull on your head and neck. Remember to lift the top half of your body with your abdominal muscles!
Mrs. Gilliland will be running 5 miles today (Update! I ran 9.3 miles today and finished my virtual Hot Chocolate Race requirement!) and completing week 5 day 1 of THIS WORKOUT. |
Fri-YAY! April 17th, 2020
week 4 day 4
Friday is already here. Another round of Yoga for you. We thought it only appropriate to introduce you to this particular workout; Yoga for Anxiety and Stress. Though your stress may be coming from different places, so it is important to be able to take time out to recognize that you may be a bit stressed out. Yoga is a great coping mechanism for tension, anxiety and stress. Enjoy!
Don't forget if you are in Mrs. Gilliland's class, there is a zoom on Friday. Check your Jupiter Ed messages for details! Mrs. Gilliland will be doing another 5 mile run and her week 4 day 5 workout with Heather Robertson |
Thursday, APril 16th, 2020
Week 4 Day 3
This is a different "Themed" workout with a little game in between it. This video was provided by Cottonwood Elementary PE to their students. We thought it was great, so we wanted to share with you as well. Thank you Cottonwood PE!
This or that workout allows you to chose between two exercises for fitness. Select one of the two activities each round and work hard! Mrs. Gilliland's workout for the day HERE |
Wednesday, April 15th 2020
week 4 day 2
I typically post a new workout the night before. Almost forgot to post this! Apologies! My son and I were playing an old video game together last night... Doctor Mario. Ask your parents about it. :-)
Hump day, HIIT workout... how many times through can you do this? Mrs. Gilliland is running 5 miles, Monday, Wednesday and Friday and doing the Youtube workout that is listed HERE. |
Tuesday, April 14th, 2020
Week 4 day 1
Tabata Tuesday! We hope you enjoyed your four day weekend! We have a few selections for you today. If you prefer a traditional Tabata, check out the the workout on the right. If you want to try some Hip Hop Tabata, check out the video to the left. Here is Mrs. Gilliland's workout for the day! Week 4 Day 2
Friday April 10th, 2020
Good Friday!

In case you forgot, today is Good Friday... had you been attending school AT CLMS, Friday is a holiday... and so is MONDAY! With that in mind, we would love for you to be active, but we want you to pick. You can look back through all of our AMAZING videos, OR do something you want. OR, nothing at all. Mrs. Gilliland will be doing THIS WORKOUT, but enjoy Good Friday with your Families. Many celebrate the Easter Holiday, and some do not. Regardless, we love you all and hope you are staying healthy and well. We will update again on TUESDAY April 14th!
Thursday, APril 9, 2020
Week 3 day 4
Thursday, Themed workout day, Star Wars!! Your challenge is to complete these exercises take a short break and repeat the ENTIRE video three times for a total of 12 minutes! You can DO it!!
We hope you are all staying healthy and taking care of yourselves; mentally and physically. Remember to stay active, and have a routine. Mrs. Gilliland's workout today |
Wednesday, April 8th, 2020
Week 3 Day 3
It's Wednesday and time for a HIIT workout! This fast paced, and quick video will get your heart rate going and your body moving! Calories burned!!
NEW CHALLENGE! Run a mile, if you have the opportunity to do so safely! Still keeping up with Mrs. Gilliland? Here is her workout today: WEEK 3 DAY 3 |
tuesday, april 7th, 2020
week 3 day 2
Tabata Tuesday! We have a few favorite online workout coaches that you will probably see regularly! They have great content, form and variety. You have two to choose from today... Tabata with Heather, or PE with Joe! OR... BOTH! We hope you are taking the opportunity each day to keep your body fit and healthy. Remember, fitness for your body also helps your mind! Take care of your WHOLE self. We love you guys and hope you will keep coming back each day, because we will keep posting every weekday. Be well!
Monday, April 6th, 2020
**Please scroll pass the announcement for Today's workout**
This morning our CLMS PE department conducted a Zoom meeting to discuss how we will proceed through the end of the school year. We have all received messages with questions regarding a variety of different topics and hopefully this message will address those concerns.
- GRADES- the district has decided that all middle school students will now be receiving a Pass/Fail grade for each of their classes. For our purposes as a department, this means that if you currently have a grade of 60% or above, then you will be receiving a grade of "pass" (that grade can NOT go down). If you currently have a grade of 59% or below, then you have the opportunity to try to improve your grade to a "PASS" before the school year ends on June 5th. Please contact your PE teacher regarding what enrichment activities can be done to raise your grade.
- WORKOUTS- apart from your actual PE grade, we would still like to provide you with some guidance on ways to stay healthy while you are home. Our website will continue to have workouts posted daily that you can choose to participate in on your own. PLEASE stay active! It is very important for both your physical and mental health over this break to keep your body moving!
- LOCKERS- Many of you have inquired about how to go about retrieving your belongings from your lockers. We will be sending a message before the end of the month regarding the process for coming to school to pick up your contents from your locker. We will be prioritizing pick up for all 8th grade students and any other student who will not be returning to CLMS NEXT year. Look for communication regarding the exact date and process in the coming weeks.We realize that all of you are being inundated with information about how the rest of the school year will proceed. If you have any other questions regarding information that we have not addressed in this message, please feel free to reach out to us through Jupiter Ed, Parent square or email. Thank you all for your patience and understanding as we try to navigate through this crazy time!
Week 3 Day 1
Happy Monday Cougars! If you're still with us, we are so proud of you for sticking with it every day and staying active! Muscle up Monday is bringing you another challenging and fun day of exercises! Get your pillow out for this one!
Mrs. Gilliland's workout today |
Saturday, april 4th, 2020
week 2 bonus dance day!
This Saturday's Dancing bonus features a fun dance with some kiddos at a dance studio. The song is short and has a great beat! Perfect for a fun time dancing! Put on your dancing shoes and have a blast! Today is a beautiful day outside as well. Enjoy a socially distant walk, jog, bike or scooter ride. Be safe while enjoying the fresh air. We love you guys!
We just got the video game "Just Dance 2020" for the Nintendo Switch, and you can connect with wifi to past versions of the game. This is my son's favorite dance (below). We played video games for hours the other day and Mrs. G was a sweaty mess! It was awesome!

One of MRs/ Gilliland's favorite races is the 5k & 15 Hot chocolate Run. They had to change it up this year due to the virus. Typically it is a 3.1 and/or 9.3 mile race done through down town San Diego. Well, this year it is a virtual run. What this means is, you pay for the race, but complete it where ever you want! Your results are then recorded on their website on the honor system using either a GPS watch or app that monitors your running distance and time. The best part about the race is the GOOD BAG! It is filled with all things CHOCOLATE!! In addition, you receive a long sleeve zip up jacket. Typically this race costs over $100. However, this year it is only $40. Mr. & Mrs. Gilliland BOTH signed up for the virtual race and will post all the goodies once we complete it and they arrive in the mail. If you are interested in participating in either distance, you can get more information HERE. Did we mention you get chocolate??
Friday, April 3, 2020
Week 2 Day 5
Yay it's Friday... now instead of yoga, we have one more type of workout to introduce you to. It's Pilates! If you have never done pilates, it's similar to yoga. Pilates is designed to improve physical strength, flexibility, and posture, and enhance mental awareness.
After another week of HIIT workouts and Tabata, this is a great change of pace! Remember to tag #clmsvirspiritweek today when you dress up in your best FITNESS GEAR!! Yeah! Mrs. Gilliland's workout for the day CLICK HERE |
ThursdaY, April 2, 2020
Week 2 Day 4
Friends, today is Thursday Themed Workout day. The videos are short, but the assignment is to complete each video at least 2 times! This weeks theme is, "Harry Potter!"
Here is Mrs. Gilliland's workout today! CLICK HERE |
Wednesday, april 1, 2020
week 2 day 3
HUMP DAY HIIT WORKOUT!! Hey everyone! Hope you are having a great second week back to virtual school! Today we have a HIIT workout for you- high intensity interval training. This is actually a low impact though... meaning it is nice to your joints, so make your parents and siblings join you! We hope you were all able to share your Bed Head Photos yesterday on Instagram. Don't forget to share and show off your Cougar Pride today with Black and Yellow gear and CLMS clothes!
If you want to do Mrs. Gilliland's workout today, here is a link to the workout she will be doing today. CLICK HERE |
Tuesday, march 31st, 2020
Week 2 Day 2
Tabata Tuesday! Of course we have another awesome workout video with our favorite body coach, Joe! If you'r up for a BIGGER challenge, check out his daily PE workouts on his Youtube page- still going strong every weekday!
Don't forget to tag your Tuesday bed head today for the virtual dress up days! #CLMSVIRTSPIRITWEEK Also- if you're keeping up with Mrs. Gilliland- here is her workout for the day HERE |
Monday, March 30th, 2020
Week 2 Day 1

Happy Monday once again!
We made it through our first week of solitude fitness and now we are on to week two of our online workout challenges!
Today is another Muscle Up Monday! We are giving you a few options... if you are ready for the challenge, DO BOTH! We would recommend completing one in the morning (when you take a break from all your enrichment "classroom" activities) and then another time later in the day. However, you can chose to do them bother later in the day or first thing in the morning!
Don't forget today is the first day of a week long of virtual dress up days too! Make sure to take a photo and tag a photo of yourself and post it on your instagram. Don't forget to tag CLMS! --->#CLMSVIRTSPIRITWEEK
ALSO- here is a link to Mrs. G's workout for the day... and she may go out for a social distancing run too! 😉
We made it through our first week of solitude fitness and now we are on to week two of our online workout challenges!
Today is another Muscle Up Monday! We are giving you a few options... if you are ready for the challenge, DO BOTH! We would recommend completing one in the morning (when you take a break from all your enrichment "classroom" activities) and then another time later in the day. However, you can chose to do them bother later in the day or first thing in the morning!
Don't forget today is the first day of a week long of virtual dress up days too! Make sure to take a photo and tag a photo of yourself and post it on your instagram. Don't forget to tag CLMS! --->#CLMSVIRTSPIRITWEEK
ALSO- here is a link to Mrs. G's workout for the day... and she may go out for a social distancing run too! 😉
Saturday, march 28th, 2020
week 1 bonus- Dance time!
Who doesn't like to get their groove on? Dancing can be a fantastic form of exercise, and it's really fun! The link to the right is to one of 70 Kid Friendly dance workouts created by "The Fitness Marshall." This guy has some moves! Here is the LINK to his fitness page.
If dancing isn't your thing, take the day to go for a walk with your family, or a bike ride. While you stroll, ask your parents some of the questions on this document below. Click the file to download a copy: ![]()
Friday, March 27, 2020. ***** Check back saturday for bonus dance party fun!
Week 1 Day 5
We have provided you with two different Yoga videos, one is actually student led and the other is specific for teens. However, both are great for anyone. The video to your right, "Yoga With Adriene," is actually a series of videos. Adriene has her own YouTube page, you can CLICK HERE to check it out. Namaste!
Mrs. Gilliland's workout today ----> HERE |
Yay, It's Friday! Yoga Day! I know many of you probably have never done yoga before, however there are tons of benefits to yoga. Some of these benefits include; increased flexibility, decrease in chances of injury, builds steady strength, increases muscle tone and helps with balance just to name a few.
Thursday, March 26th, 2020
Week 1 day 4
Themed Thursday!! This weeks theme is... Marvel Heros! There are three videos... each about 4 minutes long ... can you do all three of them?? Can you do them more than once?
Mrs. G's Workout today! |
Wednesday, march 25th, 2020
Week 1, day 3
Wednesday, Hump day, HIIT day... ok so it may be a stretch for the name, but High Intensity Interval Training is the game today! This is a 20 minute workout to get ya moving!
If you enjoy this SH1FT workout, you can find more HERE. Also, if you wanna keep up with Mrs. Gilliland she is on Day 3 of this workout: DAY 3 Mrs. Gilliland did day 2 yesterday, AND ran 6 miles outside! Try to keep up OK? |
Check out our new photo gallery of some hard workin' peeps! Wanna join in on the photo op?
Send your pictures to Mrs. Gilliland!!! [email protected] |
Tuesday, March 24th, 2020
week 1, DAY 2
Tabata Tuesday!
If you were able to log in to your canvas account (the online enrichment activities via the district website) you will notice that one of the tabata videos that we completed in class was posted there. He is known as "The Body Coach", and thankfully he has a TON of videos to check out! The video to the right is the one we are posting today, however, here is a link to his Youtube page if you wanna challenge yourself and do MORE! We will post one of his videos each Tuesday because we like him so much! Joe- the Body Coach actually has started a daily PE video... if you prefer, you can do his workouts every day! He is really great! Here is the next video Mrs. Gilliland is doing too! |
Monday, March 23rd, 2020
Week 1, Day 1
Happy Muscle Up Monday! We hope you are adjusting to your new normal for a while. Here is the first workout of the week. This video is a little more than 7 minutes long. There is not any music to go with this video, but it is a great first introduction to home workouts. We suggest you add some music in the background while you work. How many times can you complete the workout? If you do it more than 3 times, email your teacher so we can give you MAD props!!
BONUS ABS: Try these seven moves... demonstrated in this article. Mrs. Gilliland is doing this 12 week workout if anyone is interested: 12 Week Free Workout with Heather Robertson |
SUNDAY, March 22nd, 2020
Hey Cougars! We are going to post a video each weekday for you to stay active during your daily routines. This is what the week will look like:
MUSCLE UP MONDAY: Strength, Cardio and Circuit Training- TABATA TUESDAY: Our favorite Body Coach that we have used in class before has a line of kid videos we wanna share with you. WEDNESDAY- HUMP DAY HIIT WORKOUTS: High intensity interval training with rest in between sets. THEMED THURSDAY: Harry Potter, Marvel, Star Wars, Batman, Stranger Things- ready to workout with you! YAY IT'S FRIDAY YOGA: Don't underestimate the need of stretching and the benefits of yoga strength. BONUS- DANCE PARTY SATURDAY: dance it out with some of these videos and your family! We hope you will check back daily for new workouts! I know I'm looking forward to doing them with my kids! Post a video of yourself working out and tag it on the clmsasb instagram to share with your friends. |
Thursday, March 19th 2020
As we start up school in a much different platform, we wanted to let you guys know that we are going to post different workout videos and activity ideas each weekday until April 30th to encourage you to stay physically active! They will be between 15 & 30 minutes a day. Most of them will be YouTube videos to follow along with, but they may also be outdoor activities to complete with your family- or other small groups of healthy people. Tune in Monday morning for our first activity!!
Friday, March 6th, 2020
Thank you to all that came out to play in our annual March Madness tournament! We hope you had a great day playing basketball. I know we as the PE staff sure enjoyed watching and running the program! Thank you to the CLMS staff and parents that came out to support the day. It was a huge success! Congratulations to the following teams:
6th grade Boys- Black Mamba
6th grade Girls- Mommies of the Swamp
7th grade Boys- Bryant's Jr
7th grade Girls- Lul Ballers
8th grade Boys- Big Baller Bois
8th grade Girls- Hoops I did it Again, and Again
6th grade Girls- Mommies of the Swamp
7th grade Boys- Bryant's Jr
7th grade Girls- Lul Ballers
8th grade Boys- Big Baller Bois
8th grade Girls- Hoops I did it Again, and Again
District teams will be posted outside the PE locker rooms on Monday. Our first practice will be on Wednesday, March 11th after school. All students selected for the teams will be required to attend all practices.
Monday, February 10th, 2020
Today we went over some upcoming fitness testing expectations. The teachers demonstrated each of the exercises for the students before each student had the opportunity to practice them.
Over the course of the next few weeks, we will complete fitness testing. Some of the testing is graded based on performance (Mile, Push-ups, Curl-Ups) while other tests are not (Height, weight, shoulder stretch and trunk lift). Today we reviewed the push-up and curl-up requirements. An Edpuzzle assignment will be given for the curl-ups and push-ups test to help clarify any confusion on the testing. The mile, push-ups, push-up Edpuzzle, curl-ups and curl-up Edpuzzle will be worth fitness points towards each students grade. The mile, curl-ups and push-ups are 20 points a piece. The Edpuzzle assignments are 10 points each for a total of 80 points.
Last week we completed a HIIT workout in the gym with all classes. Some students requested a link to the website to complete the exercises again! Here it is:
Over the course of the next few weeks, we will complete fitness testing. Some of the testing is graded based on performance (Mile, Push-ups, Curl-Ups) while other tests are not (Height, weight, shoulder stretch and trunk lift). Today we reviewed the push-up and curl-up requirements. An Edpuzzle assignment will be given for the curl-ups and push-ups test to help clarify any confusion on the testing. The mile, push-ups, push-up Edpuzzle, curl-ups and curl-up Edpuzzle will be worth fitness points towards each students grade. The mile, curl-ups and push-ups are 20 points a piece. The Edpuzzle assignments are 10 points each for a total of 80 points.
Last week we completed a HIIT workout in the gym with all classes. Some students requested a link to the website to complete the exercises again! Here it is:
Thursday, February 6th, 2020
Track Meet
Many of you have reached out wtih questions about our Track Meet that was originally scheduled for this Friday 2/7/2020. Due to limited time when we came back from Winter Break and our need to push into our Basketball season we are postponing our Track Meet. Hopefully we can squeeze it into our calendar at the end of the year in May. We will update everyone with more details as the end of the year approaches.
Thank you!
Many of you have reached out wtih questions about our Track Meet that was originally scheduled for this Friday 2/7/2020. Due to limited time when we came back from Winter Break and our need to push into our Basketball season we are postponing our Track Meet. Hopefully we can squeeze it into our calendar at the end of the year in May. We will update everyone with more details as the end of the year approaches.
Thank you!

Today was our FIRST EVER District volleyball tournament, and I must say it was pretty awesome! Congratulations to all our participants as we came out on top as the 1st place school! All six middle schools in the Lake Elsinore Unified School District participated in the event. Thank you to all the staff and parents that came out to support the victory!
If you have any photos from the event, please email them to [email protected] Thank you!
If you have any photos from the event, please email them to [email protected] Thank you!
Over the last week we have introduced all students to the wonderful world of Track & Field. We will complete the introductions this Thursday, 12/12/19 and all students have been assigned Edpuzzle online videos to watch for testing grades. The short videos review the Shot Put, Long Jump, and High Jump. Some classes have already completed a running form video as well. If you need any assistance with your Edpuzzle account, please see your PE teacher during break, lunch or after school. To the right is a short video. This video is almost 30 years old, it is Florence Griffith Joyner smashing the women's 200 meter record at the 1988 Summer Olympics. I still get chills watching this video!
tuesday, november 19th, 2019
Today we completed our annual Turkey Trot in each PE period. Due to the upcoming inclement weather we moved the date up to make sure we would not have to cancel the event. Congratulations to the top finishers! You will receive a Turkey Trot t-shirt at the next Student of the Month assembly! Due to the unfortunate windy weather, it damaged our finishing results and we are only able to post with confidence the first place finishers overall, and by PE period. We are so sorry for the inconvenience. :-( ** Photos will be posted later in the week of the event on the tournaments page!
Friday, November 15th, 2019
WOW! What an incredible day of Volleyball! This was our FIRST every CLMS PE Volleyball Tournament! Over 300 kids came out to play and 6 teams came out on top. ****Please send any photos of the tournament to Mrs. Gilliland at [email protected]. Thank you!
Congratulations to the following teams for winning today!
6th Grade Girls- Dive Bombers
7th Grade Girls- Big Girly's
8th Grade Girls- OG's
6th Grade Boys- Rubber Duckies
7th Grade Boys- BBB
8th Grade Boys- Joe Mamma
6th Grade Girls- Dive Bombers
7th Grade Girls- Big Girly's
8th Grade Girls- OG's
6th Grade Boys- Rubber Duckies
7th Grade Boys- BBB
8th Grade Boys- Joe Mamma
Yesterday the administration reviewed some of the rules, policies and informed the students of a new reward system. We also talked about the dangers of vaping and some of the classes were able to watch the video to the right, we would encourage all parents and students to watch the video gain. We also have a link to the presentation below to review.
Wednesday, November 13th, 2019
Friday, November 15th is our very first CLMS Volleyball tournament! To the left is a PDF File of the teams and tournament brackets with times and locations for the events. **Please note- this file was created in excel and converting it to a PDF is not as visually friendly. You will need to scroll through several pages to get to some of the information. This info has also been posted in the PE area for all students to check as well. All students participating will report to the gym at 7:40am. All students participating are responsible for any work they miss throughout the school day during the tournament. Let's have a great day of volleyball!!
Wednesday, november 6th, 2019
Thursday, October 31st, 2019
Hey Guys! What a fun Halloween day it was! Our annual PE Costume contest was a little bit smaller this year due to the assemblies going on all day, however those that participated made it great!
Each of the finalists (top 1, 2 or 3 per period) received a yummy treat prize! We sure have some creative minds at CLMS! We hope you all had a happy, safe and FUN Halloween! |
monday, October 28th, 2019
A couple of reminders to start off the week:
Have a great week cougars!
- As we are approaching colder weather, please remember that we are still dressing out for class. A CLMS PE shirt or gray, black or white are acceptable, and a sweatshirt may be worn OVER the PE shirt. SOLID BLACK bottoms, PE shorts, leggings or sweats are acceptable as bottoms. ***IF you wore it to school, PLEASE DO NOT wear it as part of your PE Uniform. Please see the UNIFORMS document if you have any questions.
- Each day this week is a dress up day to honor Red Ribbon Week- today was crazy hair/hat day, tomorrow is Jersey day, Wednesday is home room day (see your PE teacher for dress up decision) Thursday is Halloween Costumes, Friday is wear RED day!
- We will NOT dress out on Thursday, and instead will have a Costume Contest in PE each period. The winner will receive a yummy treat. All students may participate.
- Today classes completed either pacers or Octopus Tag, we will switch activities on Wednesday. Tuesday and Friday will be units.
Have a great week cougars!
Friday, OCtober 25th, 2019
Finishing up a busy week! Here is a recap of the events:
Friday, October 18th, 2019
Today we hosted the District Soccer Tournament. The day ran smoothly and all the teams did a great job! Thank you to all the coaches, athletes and families/fans that came out to support the day! The final overall standings were as follows:
TUEsday, OCTOBER 15, 2019
Below is the district schedule for the 2019 District Soccer Tournament that will be held on Friday, October 18th, 2019 at CLMS. Please keep in mind there are upper and lower fields to accommodate all teams.
Monday, October 14th, 2019
Couple of announcements for the week:
- Today and Tuesday or Wednesday we will run pacers in the gym. remember to do your best and know what your previous amount was so you can improve and get extra credit.
- We will have two days of units this week Volleyball and Ultimate Frisbee- no switching/changing units or teams please.
- Friday is the District Soccer tournament, we will have guest teachers in all classes. if you are not participating, you are responsible for arriving to class on time so the guest teacher does not mark you absent. We will not dress Friday, you may take your clothes home Thursday to wash them.
- District soccer teams: there is one final practice this Wednesday from 1-2pm
Friday, October 11th, 2019
We finished off the week with some fitness sprints on the blacktop. Many students struggled after the workout today. After speaking with several of them, the PE department discovered that many students did not eat breakfast or any food prior to arriving to physical education class. It is SO important to eat breakfast and be properly fueled for fitness and activity each day. Your body NEEDS good nutrition and a lack of healthy meals will cause dizziness, nausea and dehydration among other health issues during physical activity. Part of coming to class prepared to work is having a nutritious meal! Please click the link below as an additional resource for how to properly fuel your body to work:
What to eat before a workout
What to eat before a workout
Monday, October 7th, 2019
Today we completed our first full mile in class based on the state standards. The state standards is listed on the documents tab.
Tips for being successful on mile day:
-Eat a healthy breakfast
-Drink plenty of water
-Wear a watch to keep track of your time
-Wear a hat and sunscreen
-Pay attention to your running form (Edpuzzle assignment to follow)
Tips for being successful on mile day:
-Eat a healthy breakfast
-Drink plenty of water
-Wear a watch to keep track of your time
-Wear a hat and sunscreen
-Pay attention to your running form (Edpuzzle assignment to follow)
Monday, September 28th, 2019
Congratulations to the following students for being selected to participate in the District Soccer Tournament on Friday, October 18th, 2019 to represent CLMS. Please note that our first practice will be after school THIS Wednesday, October 2nd at 1pm and every Wednesday until the tournament.
Ramos, Fernando Sauceda, Ethan Chang, Felix Downey, Jake Martins, Cristiano Thaprasop, Braedan Ortega, Isaac Reichman, Reiley Perez, Ralphie Carvajal, Samuel Melendez, Carlo |
Jalayer, Braelyn Bragia, Jaydyn Lightbourne, Cecile Golovich, Jada Gonzalez, Giselle Lawrence, Macie Murillo, Joie Kielty, Kailyn Apana, Kolena |
Akanni, Bryant Cerda, Matthew Medina, Andres Legeyt, Braedon Seltzer, Matias Vitela, Jesus Carr, Nolan Davis-Tucker, Conrad Bello, Aaron Burton, Lucas Shah, Sidad |
Dawes, Jocelyn Slepushkina, Sophia Khan, Enaas Avila, Dennise Easterly, Brooke Burton, Rylee Thompson, Kaylee Osornia, Marissa Quiroz, Emelie Diaz, Kaila |
Friday, September 27, 2019
We hope you all enjoyed our 7th Annual CLMS Soccer Tournament! Today was amazing! We had another successful tournament day of fun! There were 38 teams that participated in 6 tournaments on 7 fields! WOW! There were 282 participants, all ready to bring their best and enjoy a day of soccer. What a great turn out! Six teams came out on the top as tournament champions. Please congratulate the following:
8th Grade Girls: Take A Step Back
8th Grade Boys: Legends 3.0
7th Grade Girls: Swaggy Boys 2.0
7th Grade Boys: King Slayers FC
6th Grade Girls: the Strawberry Smashers
6th Grade Boys: Knights
**Tournament Photos are on the Tournament Tab at the top of the page. Please email Mindie Gilliland if you have additional photos to share!
8th Grade Boys: Legends 3.0
7th Grade Girls: Swaggy Boys 2.0
7th Grade Boys: King Slayers FC
6th Grade Girls: the Strawberry Smashers
6th Grade Boys: Knights
**Tournament Photos are on the Tournament Tab at the top of the page. Please email Mindie Gilliland if you have additional photos to share!
Today ends the grading for the D/F notifications for the first semester. Please note that only 3 weeks of grading for all PE classes has occurred. Every day matters! If you have been absent, or did not complete an assignment, please make sure to check your Jupiter Ed grade to see if there is make-up work that can be done for absences, or if you need help being able to log in to Edpuzzle for your next assignment that will be online. Remember to dress out daily and give your best effort. This will guarantee your success and health improvement! Finally, if your fitness and cardio grade is not where you want it to be, don't give up! Each time you run the mile or pacers set a goal to improve from the previous run and you WILL be successful. Have an "I CAN" attitude.
Picture days are September 19th and 20th- Thursday last names A-L will take their photo and Friday M-Z will take photos. If you wish to purchase the photos, please make sure to get a form from the office or the locker rooms, fill it out and bring it with you when you take your photo. Even if you don't purchase photos we still need a picture you for your Student ID card, and the year book!
Team rosters for the intramural tournament were due today. Rosters and game schedules will be posted next week, and the big event will be Friday, September 27th!
Picture days are September 19th and 20th- Thursday last names A-L will take their photo and Friday M-Z will take photos. If you wish to purchase the photos, please make sure to get a form from the office or the locker rooms, fill it out and bring it with you when you take your photo. Even if you don't purchase photos we still need a picture you for your Student ID card, and the year book!
Team rosters for the intramural tournament were due today. Rosters and game schedules will be posted next week, and the big event will be Friday, September 27th!
Thursday, August 29th, 2019
We have successfully completed our first week of units! At this point all students should have a lock, locker, completed an edpuzzle assignment, selected and participated in a unit: weight room, soccer or hockey. Tomorrow- we have advisement schedule, after warm-ups we will complete fitness on the numbers, and then fun Friday actives for all dressed out for PE.
If you take your clothes home to wash them, please make sure you do so at the end of the week, wash them over the weekend, and then bring them back at the beginning of the week.
If you take your clothes home to wash them, please make sure you do so at the end of the week, wash them over the weekend, and then bring them back at the beginning of the week.
Tuesday, August 27th, 2019
This week so far:
Monday was our second day dressing out. It is super important that you memorize your lock code and follow the guidelines we outlined last week in regards to locker room use. After dressing we completed attendance and warm-ups, this will be a daily requirement in which we complete jumping jacks, head to toe stretches, push-up intro and a warm-up jog. Then we reviewed the intramural information with each student. Please see the tournament page for more information.
Tuesday we started the introduction to our units. Soccer, hockey and weight room. Rules, procedures and expectations were reviewed as well as organizing teams.
Wednesday- obstacle course fitness introduction.
Thursday- Day two of units, drills and scrimmage, weight room continue to go over machines.
Friday- Fitness and Fun Friday- for all dressed out.
Monday was our second day dressing out. It is super important that you memorize your lock code and follow the guidelines we outlined last week in regards to locker room use. After dressing we completed attendance and warm-ups, this will be a daily requirement in which we complete jumping jacks, head to toe stretches, push-up intro and a warm-up jog. Then we reviewed the intramural information with each student. Please see the tournament page for more information.
Tuesday we started the introduction to our units. Soccer, hockey and weight room. Rules, procedures and expectations were reviewed as well as organizing teams.
Wednesday- obstacle course fitness introduction.
Thursday- Day two of units, drills and scrimmage, weight room continue to go over machines.
Friday- Fitness and Fun Friday- for all dressed out.
Thursday, august 22nd, 2019
A few bits of information for you. So here goes:
Wednesday of this week Mr. Rodriguez and Mrs. Pavek reviewed several school wide expectations with all students through PE and dance. I have attached the information to the parent squad app for your convenience.
Today we reviewed class unit information which included, sign-ups, expectations, requirements and what a typical day in PE will look like. In addition, each day this week students have had the opportunity to practice their locker combination, and put their PE clothes in their locker so they will be prepared for our first day of dressing out (this Friday, August 23rd, 2019) and troubleshoot any Edpuzzle questions they have- assignment due tomorrow!
Wednesday of this week Mr. Rodriguez and Mrs. Pavek reviewed several school wide expectations with all students through PE and dance. I have attached the information to the parent squad app for your convenience.
Today we reviewed class unit information which included, sign-ups, expectations, requirements and what a typical day in PE will look like. In addition, each day this week students have had the opportunity to practice their locker combination, and put their PE clothes in their locker so they will be prepared for our first day of dressing out (this Friday, August 23rd, 2019) and troubleshoot any Edpuzzle questions they have- assignment due tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 20th, 2019
Today we reviewed locker room daily procedures and expectations with all students. We also reviewed parent notes and medically excused procedures for class. Please review with your child what they are expected to do daily. We also had an opportunity for students to put their PE clothes into their assigned locker, and practice their codes. We also asked all students if they needed assistance with the Edpuzzle assignment. The assignment is due on Friday, August 23rd, 2019- no late work accepted.
Monday, August 19th 2019
Today we reviewed the PE website with all classes . Please become familiar with the different page tabs. We specifically reviewed Dressing Out/Uniforms, Grades and Make-up work.
The Edpuzzle assignment, "Opening your Locker." Is due this Friday, August 23rd, 2019. Please check your Jupiter Grades account and make sure you have received points for the assignment. Several students have not completed the assignment yet. It will now be YOUR responsibility to come and ask if you need help.
Friday will be our first dress out day. Please make sure to bring your clothes on or before Friday to make sure you are successfully able to dress out the first day. Each day this week students will have an opportunity to purchase PE clothes during break or lunch and them put them in their lockers during PE class time. Please review the Uniforms tab on the PE website with your child so they are successfully dressed out this Friday.
The Edpuzzle assignment, "Opening your Locker." Is due this Friday, August 23rd, 2019. Please check your Jupiter Grades account and make sure you have received points for the assignment. Several students have not completed the assignment yet. It will now be YOUR responsibility to come and ask if you need help.
Friday will be our first dress out day. Please make sure to bring your clothes on or before Friday to make sure you are successfully able to dress out the first day. Each day this week students will have an opportunity to purchase PE clothes during break or lunch and them put them in their lockers during PE class time. Please review the Uniforms tab on the PE website with your child so they are successfully dressed out this Friday.
Thursday, August 15th, 2019
Tonight is back to school night at CLMS. The physical education department will be reviewing some important information with you regarding your child's physical education school year. If you are unable to attend, we have a powerpoint presentation put together that you can review. Please email your teacher to get a copy of this presentation. Thank you.
Tuesday, August 13th, 2019
Hey Cougars! We hope you had a GREAT first day!
Today, we will start issuing locks and lockers to the 8th grade students. Please remember these are property of CLMS and they do NOT leave school. They are free to you as long as you take care of them and keep them in the locker room. If a lock is stolen, or missing, it will be the responsibility of the student issued the lock to pay $7 to replace it.
All of the 6th grade students were given an Edpuzzle account today. Please review this information with your student. The login information is as follows: Username- student ID number, Password- MMDDYYYY birthday. The first assignment, "Opening your locker" is due Friday, August 23rd, 2019
The 7th grade students learned a new game in the gym, and will receive their lock and Edpuzzle information later this week.
Today, we will start issuing locks and lockers to the 8th grade students. Please remember these are property of CLMS and they do NOT leave school. They are free to you as long as you take care of them and keep them in the locker room. If a lock is stolen, or missing, it will be the responsibility of the student issued the lock to pay $7 to replace it.
All of the 6th grade students were given an Edpuzzle account today. Please review this information with your student. The login information is as follows: Username- student ID number, Password- MMDDYYYY birthday. The first assignment, "Opening your locker" is due Friday, August 23rd, 2019
The 7th grade students learned a new game in the gym, and will receive their lock and Edpuzzle information later this week.
Monday, August 5th, 2019
Welcome back cougars! We hope you had a great summer! Please make sure to check out the school website for upcoming dates regarding 6th grade orientation and back to school night. We will see you Monday, August 12th, 2019!
Tuesday, June 4th, 2019
Today was the final assembly of the school year, and our winning soccer teams were given their shirts. Congrats again to the winning teams! Enjoy your shirts!
Monday, June 3rd, 2019
All students should have checked out of the locker room with Mrs. Gilliland on the girls side, and Mr. McEvilly on the boys side. Your lock needs to be returned, and your locker sparkly clean! Only 3 days left of school. Please remember to make good choices these final days of school. We hape you all have a relaxing summer. Check back over the break to find workouts and information for next school year at CLMS PE! Enjoy the sun!
Friday, May 24th, 2019
Tuesday, May 28th will be our last day of dressing out. This will be our final opportunity for make up points or extra credit points. Please make sure to clean out your locker and take EVERYTHING home after class. Instructions for FINAL check out and clean up of lockers will be provided on Wednesday. Have a great 3 day weekend!
Monday, May 20, 2019
Friendly reminder that all make-up work is due by May 22nd to your teachers. Thank you!
Friday, May 3, 2019
Congratulations to all of our participants in the Annual CLMS World Cup Tournament! Congratulations to the winning teams:
8th Grade Boys- Under the Radar 8th Grade Girls- You Thought 7th Grade Boys- The Legends 2.0 7th Grade Girls- Anklebreakers 6th Grade Boys- Big Chungus FC 6th Grade Girls- Swaggy Bois |
Monday, April 23, 2019
Saturday, April 20th, 2019
On Saturday, April 20th, CLMS students participated in the 18th Annual Unity in the Community 5k, 10k & Fun Run Events. Thank you to everyone that participated! We hope you all had a great Easter weekend!
wednesday, april 17th, 2019
CLMS Soccer World Cup information was provided today in class. Team rosters will be due by Friday, April 26th, 2019. Thank you!
Thursday, April 4th, 2019
Today we talked with the students about an opportunity for extra credit. All the information has been provided to them in class, please click on the link for more information. Registration can be done online or you can use the form provided in class. Early registration price ends Friday, 4/5 and then the price will go up. Please click the link for further details.
Wednesday, march 20th, 2019
As we approach spring break, we are finishing up our annual fitness testing. Each student was tested (or will be) in Push-Ups, Curl-Ups and the mile. For the purpose of a well rounded testing students were also tested in the trunk lift, which measures back strength, shoulder test which demonstrated upper body flexibility as well as height and weight for BMI (body mass index). The mile, push-ups and curl-ups were graded based on the state standard fitness tests. If you have not completed your testing, please make sure to coordinate with your teacher in the next two days to take care of your test.
6th Annual football tourney
Today was the 6th Annual CLMS Physical Education Football Tournament. What a great day it was! We had a great turnout of student athletes and several parents! If you were not eligible to play or didn't take the opportunity to try it out, we encourage you to step out and play next year! Take care of your grades and behavior in the classroom so you have the opportunity to get involved.
We are in the process of determining the district team rosters and will post them as soon as we determine who will represent the CLMS Cougars at Terra Cotta on March 8th. Check out photos and winning teams by clicking on the tournament tab above.
We are in the process of determining the district team rosters and will post them as soon as we determine who will represent the CLMS Cougars at Terra Cotta on March 8th. Check out photos and winning teams by clicking on the tournament tab above.
Friday, February 8th, 2019
Football team rosters are due today by 2:15! If you do not have a team, but wish to play, see the PE teachers. We can get you set up with a team.
Please make sure you can log in to your Edpuzzle account, new assignments will be given soon. If you are in Mrs. Gilliland's class, your next assignment is due February 22nd.
Please make sure you can log in to your Edpuzzle account, new assignments will be given soon. If you are in Mrs. Gilliland's class, your next assignment is due February 22nd.
Friday, february 1, 2019
Today we went over the requirements for participating in the CLMS Physical Education Football Tournament. The papers can be picked up by the team member desiring to be the captain from the locker rooms. Team Sheets must be turned in by February 8th 2019... no expceptions
Here are the requirements:
Here are the requirements:
- All participants must be eligible to join a team- please see the tournaments page for eligibility requirements.
- All team members must be the same grade level and gender.
- Team members must write and sign their name to confirm they are participating on the selected team- once you pick, you stick.
- Up to 8 people per team max, you may compete with as little as 6 people. If you have less, we can help you find additional team members.
- Team names must be middle school appropriate.
- Team rosters must be returned to a PE teacher by Friday, February 8th.
- If you wish to play, but do not have a team, please see a PE teacher and we can come up with a plan.
- The CLMS tournament is a tryout for the district tournament, however, winning team members are not guaranteed a spot on the district teams.
Tuesday, january 15th, 2019
We hope you had a great break and you're ready to get moving for the second semester! Today we reviewed classroom expectations (grades, dressing out and behavior) as well as upcoming events. To review dressing out, please click on the Uniform tab. If you have questions about grades, Edpuzzle, remind app and Jupiter Grades, please click on the Grades tab. And finally if you have questions about our upcoming tournaments please click on the Tournaments tab.
Everyone starts with a clean slate (fresh grade), it is up to each student to maintain their passing grades to be eligible for any PE class activities. If you have any questions, please see your PE teacher.
We hope you had a great break and you're ready to get moving for the second semester! Today we reviewed classroom expectations (grades, dressing out and behavior) as well as upcoming events. To review dressing out, please click on the Uniform tab. If you have questions about grades, Edpuzzle, remind app and Jupiter Grades, please click on the Grades tab. And finally if you have questions about our upcoming tournaments please click on the Tournaments tab.
Everyone starts with a clean slate (fresh grade), it is up to each student to maintain their passing grades to be eligible for any PE class activities. If you have any questions, please see your PE teacher.

DON'T FORGET! We have a week filled with fun dress up days!
Monday- Holiday Hat day Tuesday- Holiday Sock day Wednesday- Red & Green Day Thursday- Ugly Christmas Sweater Friday- Pajama Day
Monday- Holiday Hat day Tuesday- Holiday Sock day Wednesday- Red & Green Day Thursday- Ugly Christmas Sweater Friday- Pajama Day
Monday, December 17th, 2018
CONGRATULATIONS CLMS on your repeat First place 2nd Annual District Track Meet Championship win!! You all did a great job. Here is a link to the results from the days events, and photos from the day are posted on the Tournaments Tab.
Thursday, December 13th, 2018
To the right is the schedule for Fridays District Track Meet at Elsinore High School.
JV = Junior Varsity, V = Varsity. ALL athletes will report to the GYM at the start of school wearing their PE clothes. Each participant will be given a jersey to wear during the events and must return them to Mrs. Upton before going home after the event. |
9am- 2 mile, all girls
9:25- 2 mile, all boys 9:50- 4x100 relay, JVG, JVB, VG, VB (order) 10:25- 400m, JVG, JVB, VG, VB 10:50- 200m, JVG, JVB, VG, VB 11:15- 800m JVG, JVB, VG, VB 12:00- 100m JVG, JVB, VG, VB 12:20- 4x400 relays JVG, JVB, VG, VB Shot Put- 3 throws LONG JUMP 9am BV 9am -12pm Open PIT 9:45 GV 10:30 BJV 11:15 GJV High Jump 3 jumps 9am GJV 9:45 BJV 10:30 GV 11:15 BV |
Friday, December 7th, 2018
The results for all of our track tryouts are complete, and we have selected students to participate in the 2018 District Tournament. The team is on the attached file to the left. There will be a mandatory practice on Wednesday, December 12th, 2018 after school. We will pass out permission slips, and go over tournament rules and expectations. If you are on the list, please make sure to attend next week. Please see your PE teacher with any questions.
wednesday, november 28th, 2018
The running events are now complete. The results are to the left. Student athletes have NOT been selected for any of the events yet. We need to complete the rest of tryouts, (high, jump, long jump and finish up shot put) and then we will determine eligibility for each event and finally post it and notify qualifying students by December 9th. Please open/download the file to the left to see the results. Please contact Mrs. G with any questions.
friday, november 16th, 2018
Congratulations to the winners of the 2018 Turkey Trot! To the left are photos of the winners with a portion of their prize... the fastest competitor for each grade level and gender received a Baskin Robbins Turkey Leg- filled with ice cream and cake (YUM!) AND they will be awarded with a Turkey Trot Champion T-shirt at our next assembly. Here are the winners: 8th Grade: Grant Givens 8:14.15, Trinity Hale 9:51.15 7th Grade: Zander Moayedi 8:43.67, Arielle McKenzie (no photo yet) 7:57.02** New course record! 6th Grade: Kaiden Rollins 9:03.28, Alyssa Craig 10:09.00 **More photos to see on the Tournament Tab! |
Tuesday, november 13th, 2018
Thursday, November 1st, 2018
Today, after we completed our pacer test, we reviewed upcoming assignments with ALL students. Our next unit for ALL students is Track & Field. In order to front load everyone with technique and proper form, we have assigned 3 edpuzzle assignments to every student. Our first two events will be the shot put, and running form. Please complete these assignments by Sunday, November 4th to be prepared for class on Monday November 5th. Each video assignment is worth a grade for class. If a student needs assistance logging in to their account, please have them see their PE teacher.
Wednesday, October 31st, 2018
Happy Halloween Everyone!
We had our annual costume contest in PE Today! Lots of creative costumes! The winner for each PE period was given a yummy cupcake and a mile pass! Congrats to the winners and thank you to everyone that made the competition lots of fun! Be safe and smart tonight and enjoy all the candy! But not too much! |
Friday, October 26th, 2018
Couple of friendly reminders for the next few weeks:
Upton- Period 1- @Mupton1, Period 3- @Mupton3, Period 4- @Mupton4, Period 5- @Mupton5, Period 6- @Mupton6
McEvilly- Period 1- @MacPE1, Period 2-@MacPE2, Period 4- @MacPE4, Period 5- @MacPE5, Period 6- @MacPE6
- Dressing Out- This is a daily requirement! Please be dressed out in SOLID BLACK bottoms, and a solid gray, black or white top. OR, your CLMS shirt. Please see the Uniforms Tab for any questions.
- Thursday was our final Archery, Ultimate Frisbee and Hockey units day. Our next unit will be Track & Field for all students, including tryout days for the upcoming district Track & Field Day @ EHS. Please see tournaments tab for dates.
- The CLMS Turkey Trot is available for all students to participate in during their PE class on Thursday, November 15th. Parents are welcome to come and cheer on their athletes, but please check in at the office first.
- If you are in Mrs. Gilliland's class, please make sure you completed the Edpuzzle assignment on the PE uniforms for a grade! Please see Mrs. G if you need assistance with your username and/or password.
- REMIND APP- if you are not currently on the remind app it is the best thing ever! The following codes will get you connected:
Upton- Period 1- @Mupton1, Period 3- @Mupton3, Period 4- @Mupton4, Period 5- @Mupton5, Period 6- @Mupton6
McEvilly- Period 1- @MacPE1, Period 2-@MacPE2, Period 4- @MacPE4, Period 5- @MacPE5, Period 6- @MacPE6
Friday, OCtober 19th, 2018
Today we completed a tabata workout in class, we encourage the students to try it again, and again if they liked it. This is a great, low impact, equipment free set of exercises. Great to do at home with the family or other friends! Four rounds equals a total workout! Enjoy! If you find workout videos that you like, submit them to Mrs. Gilliland and we just might complete them on fitness days in class!
Friday, October 5th, 2018
Happy Friday Everyone! Today we completed an in class make-up day for all running days that anyone has missed due to absence, parent notes and nurse visits. Please note that any miles missed up to this point are no longer able to be made up.
This month is breast cancer awareness month... every Friday students are encouraged to wear pink to bring awareness and support to those that have survived or are going through the trial of breast cancer.
Next Friday is the district basketball tournament at Elsinore High School. Good luck to all our participants that will be representing CLMS on October 12th! Go Cougars!
Remember!!! If you bring a parent note to excuse you from class for the day (and up to 3 days before a doctors note is required) please remember you must complete make-up work upon returning to class in order to regain the missed participation and dress points for the days missed. Make-up work needs to be completed within one week of returning to school. Please contact your teacher for details.
Next Monday we will complete units in class due to a fundraiser assembly during PE on Tuesday, October 9th.
This month is breast cancer awareness month... every Friday students are encouraged to wear pink to bring awareness and support to those that have survived or are going through the trial of breast cancer.
Next Friday is the district basketball tournament at Elsinore High School. Good luck to all our participants that will be representing CLMS on October 12th! Go Cougars!
Remember!!! If you bring a parent note to excuse you from class for the day (and up to 3 days before a doctors note is required) please remember you must complete make-up work upon returning to class in order to regain the missed participation and dress points for the days missed. Make-up work needs to be completed within one week of returning to school. Please contact your teacher for details.
Next Monday we will complete units in class due to a fundraiser assembly during PE on Tuesday, October 9th.
Friday, September 21st, 2018
Thank you to everyone that participated and helped with the basketball tournament! It was an overall successful day. The results and photos are on the tournaments tab. (Check back for photos) Information regarding the district tournament will follow. The first required practice will be on Wednesday, September 26th, 2018. Information regarding the tournament requirements will be provided at practice.
D/F notices went home today. Please make sure to keep up with your current grades by checking Jupiter Ed regularly. You can get to the website from our grades tab. Remember, it is super important to complete make-up work for each absence and contact your teacher if you have any questions regarding your grades.
D/F notices went home today. Please make sure to keep up with your current grades by checking Jupiter Ed regularly. You can get to the website from our grades tab. Remember, it is super important to complete make-up work for each absence and contact your teacher if you have any questions regarding your grades.
Friday, September 7th, 2018
This was our first week of grading for attendance, dressing out and participation. All grades are documented in Jupiter Ed. If you ever have a question about a grade, please make sure to contact your PE teacher directly via Jupiter Ed. All absences must be made up with make up work. If you are absent on a run day, please see your teacher to complete a make-up run. If you are absent on a fitness or unit day, please complete the make-up form on the documents tab. If you are being marked down because you are a Non Suit, please remember to wash your PE clothes on the weekends so you have them at school all week to be prepared for class.
** Today the Basketball tournament roster sheets are due! Please see file to the left for tournament rules. |
Friday, August 31st, 2018
We survived our second week of school! We hope you all have a great 3 day weekend, and that you will be ready to dress out and get moving on Tuesday, September 4th! You have had 2 weeks to get PE clothes ready for class, and today we did a trial run of using the locker room, dressing out, and we reviewed the warm-ups routine. Grading for dress, participation and attendance will begin next week. If you still need assistance with PE clothes, please see your PE teacher. Remember, it is super important to lock up all your belongings! We are not responsible for lost or stolen items as we have provided you with a lock and locker to secure everything inside. Please remember not to share your code with anyone, and to lock the locker when you are not near it. If you have any questions about the locker room procedures or dress out requirements, please see the Locker Videos in the Video tab, and the uniform requirements in the Uniform tab.
We have compiled a video for new students to watch when they first come to CLMS... most of this information has already been covered in class, and we do not want anyone to be uncertain of the PE expectations. Please check out the video to the right, there may be a CLMS PE Edpuzzle quiz on it soon!
Monday, August 27th, 2018
What to expect this week:
Monday we discussed the required uniform for PE. Please see the uniform tab above to review with your students.
The first day all students will be required to dress out will be Tuesday, September 4th.
We also gave the students a tour of the PE website to become familiar with how to see important information for class. Please explore the tabs above to get more information about PE class.
Tuesday- students will have the opportunity to purchase PE clothes during class time ($10 for each piece) in addition to break and lunch. All CLMS PE clothes can be purchased with the bookkeeper in the front office. We will also review the intramural tournament information. See Uniform tab for further details.
Wednesday the students will sign up for units selecting from basketball, volleyball and the weight room (7th & 8th grade only this first time around).
Thursday The students will login to their Jupiter Ed Account and complete an email assignment as well as learn all the expectations for the locker rooms.
Friday will be a trial run for dressing out and using the locker room. We will review warm-up procedures if time permits.
Monday we discussed the required uniform for PE. Please see the uniform tab above to review with your students.
The first day all students will be required to dress out will be Tuesday, September 4th.
We also gave the students a tour of the PE website to become familiar with how to see important information for class. Please explore the tabs above to get more information about PE class.
Tuesday- students will have the opportunity to purchase PE clothes during class time ($10 for each piece) in addition to break and lunch. All CLMS PE clothes can be purchased with the bookkeeper in the front office. We will also review the intramural tournament information. See Uniform tab for further details.
Wednesday the students will sign up for units selecting from basketball, volleyball and the weight room (7th & 8th grade only this first time around).
Thursday The students will login to their Jupiter Ed Account and complete an email assignment as well as learn all the expectations for the locker rooms.
Friday will be a trial run for dressing out and using the locker room. We will review warm-up procedures if time permits.
Monday, August 20th, 2018
Welcome back Cougars! Monday, August 20th will be the first day of school. Here is what our schedule will look like for the first week of school:
Monday- Teacher Introductions and Activity
Tuesday- Lock Video 8th Grade Students Assigned Lockers, 7th grade- Activity in Gym, 6th grade- Edpuzzle intro
Wednesday- Minimum Day 8th grader- Edpuzzle assignment, 6th grade- Activity in gym, 7th grade- locker assignments
Thursday- Lock Video, 6th Grade Students Assigned Lockers, 7th grade- Edpuzzle intro, 8th Activity in gym
Friday- Character Counts discussion and Character Counts Assemblies
Monday- Teacher Introductions and Activity
Tuesday- Lock Video 8th Grade Students Assigned Lockers, 7th grade- Activity in Gym, 6th grade- Edpuzzle intro
Wednesday- Minimum Day 8th grader- Edpuzzle assignment, 6th grade- Activity in gym, 7th grade- locker assignments
Thursday- Lock Video, 6th Grade Students Assigned Lockers, 7th grade- Edpuzzle intro, 8th Activity in gym
Friday- Character Counts discussion and Character Counts Assemblies
Friday, August 10th, 2018
The following information was provided by the LEUSD governing board... we are passing this information on to parents and students:
In today's emergency session, the Governing Board postponed the start of school to Monday, August 20th, but 2018/19 school year ending dates and graduation dates are unchanged…
It’s official: LEUSD's first day of school has been postponed to Monday, August 20, 2018. The 2018/19 school year calendar will not be extended, so winter and spring breaks, grad dates, and last day of school are unchanged. In other action, emergency resolutions were approved to commence the disaster recovery plan, enabling contract work for cleanup of smoke, ash, soot, and debris at all LEUSD schools, as access permits.
Please stay tuned for details about LEUSD’s Holy Fire recovery plan in preparation for a delayed start of school.
In today's emergency session, the Governing Board postponed the start of school to Monday, August 20th, but 2018/19 school year ending dates and graduation dates are unchanged…
It’s official: LEUSD's first day of school has been postponed to Monday, August 20, 2018. The 2018/19 school year calendar will not be extended, so winter and spring breaks, grad dates, and last day of school are unchanged. In other action, emergency resolutions were approved to commence the disaster recovery plan, enabling contract work for cleanup of smoke, ash, soot, and debris at all LEUSD schools, as access permits.
Please stay tuned for details about LEUSD’s Holy Fire recovery plan in preparation for a delayed start of school.
Thursday, August 9th, 2018
Welcome back!
A few bits of information for you to get your prepared for your first day of school on Monday, August 13th.
Student schedules will be available from 3:15 - 5:30pm outside of the gym and will also be available online through the IC Portal.
The PE department will sell PE clothes in the gym from 3:15-5pm.
A 6th Grade Welcome Meeting will be held in the gym at 5:15
Classroom Visits and Presentations from will be from 6-7:30pm - PE will be in the gym to answer questions and review the PE website.
If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact the office. Or find a friendly face on campus when you arrive.
A few bits of information for you to get your prepared for your first day of school on Monday, August 13th.
Student schedules will be available from 3:15 - 5:30pm outside of the gym and will also be available online through the IC Portal.
The PE department will sell PE clothes in the gym from 3:15-5pm.
A 6th Grade Welcome Meeting will be held in the gym at 5:15
Classroom Visits and Presentations from will be from 6-7:30pm - PE will be in the gym to answer questions and review the PE website.
If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact the office. Or find a friendly face on campus when you arrive.
Saturday, July 14th, 2018
To those of you reading and checking out the CLMS PE website over the summer, please keep checking back as we get closer to the start of the new school year. Our first day is Monday, August 13th, 2018. However, 6th grade student & parent info night and back to school night are Thursday, August 9th. The 6th grade events star at 5:15, and back to school night begins at 6pm.
As the school year gets closer, the PE website will get a little bit of a make-over. We will introduce a new page, it is information about our Athlete of the Year award. This page is to introduce you to the new award for 8th graders and the eligibility requirements. We will also combine the intramural and district pages, as well as update other pages. Enjoy the rest of your summer!! Here is some more summer reading for all:
Summer tips for starting fitness...
Healthy Meal Ideas...
As the school year gets closer, the PE website will get a little bit of a make-over. We will introduce a new page, it is information about our Athlete of the Year award. This page is to introduce you to the new award for 8th graders and the eligibility requirements. We will also combine the intramural and district pages, as well as update other pages. Enjoy the rest of your summer!! Here is some more summer reading for all:
Summer tips for starting fitness...
Healthy Meal Ideas...
Thursday, May 24th, 2018
As the school year comes to a close (10 days left!) We have a few important dates to remember:
Thursday, May 31st 2018- Final day of dressing out, please take ALL of your belongings that are in you locker home after this day!
Friday, June 1st 2018- 6th & 7th grade honor roll awards, 8th grade Knott's Berry Farm Trip
Monday- Thursday- June 4th-7th- Locker clean-out and check out process. *** Wednesday the 6th is NOT a minimum day.
Thursday, June 7th- Last day of school
As you gear up to slow down for the summer, remember to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Below is an interesting article about the benefits of being outside and the dangers of sitting too long:
USA Today: The Indoor Generation
Thursday, May 31st 2018- Final day of dressing out, please take ALL of your belongings that are in you locker home after this day!
Friday, June 1st 2018- 6th & 7th grade honor roll awards, 8th grade Knott's Berry Farm Trip
Monday- Thursday- June 4th-7th- Locker clean-out and check out process. *** Wednesday the 6th is NOT a minimum day.
Thursday, June 7th- Last day of school
As you gear up to slow down for the summer, remember to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Below is an interesting article about the benefits of being outside and the dangers of sitting too long:
USA Today: The Indoor Generation
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2018
This is another friendly reminder that make-up work for class absences is due by Friday, May 25th, 2018. Students were reminded about this today during class time. Thank you!
Friday, May 4th, 2018
Thank you to all the students, parents and staff members that participated in and helped with the CLMS Annual Flag Football Tournament!
6th grade Girls Blue Lightening 14, Strike Force 0
6th grade Boys Goatz 38, Beast Mode 0
7th grade Girls Shreddd the Nar Nar 7 Beetle Juice 0
7th grade Boys Daddy's 4.0 21, Fame Diggers 7
8th grade Girls Bad Boujee 18, FBR 6
8th grade Boys Pick City 28, Ultimate 8 0
6th grade Girls Blue Lightening 14, Strike Force 0
6th grade Boys Goatz 38, Beast Mode 0
7th grade Girls Shreddd the Nar Nar 7 Beetle Juice 0
7th grade Boys Daddy's 4.0 21, Fame Diggers 7
8th grade Girls Bad Boujee 18, FBR 6
8th grade Boys Pick City 28, Ultimate 8 0
Monday, April 23rd, 2018
March 30th, 2018
Announcements & Upcoming Events
-A reminder that if your mile time is over 15 minutes than you must re-do the mile on Friday after fitness.
-Unity in the Community 5k & 10k sign ups are available online, click the link below to register!
-The CLMS FOOTBALL tournament will be held on May 4th, 2018- team sign ups will begin after spring break!
-The CLMS FOOTBALL tournament will be held on May 4th, 2018- team sign ups will begin after spring break!
Thursday, March 1st, 2018
Congratulations to our 2018 March Madness Winners:
6/7th Grade Girls- Warriors
8th Grade Girls- Cheerios
6th Grade Boys- Supreme Ballers
7th Grade Boys- Daddy 3.0
8th Grade Boys- Triple B's
6/7th Grade Girls- Warriors
8th Grade Girls- Cheerios
6th Grade Boys- Supreme Ballers
7th Grade Boys- Daddy 3.0
8th Grade Boys- Triple B's
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
On April 21st, we invite you to join us in participating in the Unity in the Community 5k/10k race. Here are some details:
- Register online to race for the best price.
- Complete the entire race and you get a participation shirt.
- Make sure to cross the finish line so you get a finishing time.
- Wear your Unity Shirt on Mile and Pacer days after the race during PE and all you have to do is walk to get full credit!
***You must wear the shirt in order to get 10/10 points. ***
Monday, January 29, 2018
On Friday we passed out order forms for CLMS gear! This includes Sweatshirts, Sweat Pants, Leggings, and socks. The first order will be made on February 15, 2018. The hope is that the turn around to receive the orders will be two weeks. Here is a copy of the order form...
Wednesday, January 17th, 2018
Welcome back everyone!! The PE department hopes you had a restful Christmas vacation and you're ready for the second semester! Can you believe half of the school year is already done!? It's flying by... we wanted to keep everyone up to speed with a few upcoming events:
Fitness Testing- the state mandated fitness testing will occur over the next couple of months. The test includes: Height and weight (which will remain confidential), push-ups, curl-ups, shoulder reach/stretch, trunk lift and pacers. We will spread official test dates out so that only one test is completed at a time. Push-ups, Curl-ups and Pacers will be individually graded within the fitness percentage portion of each student's grade.
March Madness Basketball Tournament- Our on campus tournament will be held on March 2nd, 2018. All students that meet the eligibility requirements may participate. We will pass out team rosters for students to create their teams in the next couple of weeks. All teams must be by same grade level and gender. The tournament competition will be by grade level and gender. We will provide more information as the date gets closer.
District Basketball Tournament- we will select a group of students to participate and represent CLMS in our first district basketball tournament. The tournament will be held at Elsinore High School on March 23rd, 2018. More information to come.
Unity in the Community 5k &10k- ALL students are encouraged to participate in this event. It will be held at the Storm Stadium and the Levee. Family and friends are welcome as well- make sure to sign up under the CLMS team! Students may chose which distance to participate in. Each student that registers, participates and finishes the race with an official race time, will be eligible to receive exemption and full credit for each additional mile and pacers at CLMS for the rest of the school year- as long as they wear their race shirt to class and have official results for the race. More detail to follow. All participants may sign up now, if they like, at the following website:
Fitness Testing- the state mandated fitness testing will occur over the next couple of months. The test includes: Height and weight (which will remain confidential), push-ups, curl-ups, shoulder reach/stretch, trunk lift and pacers. We will spread official test dates out so that only one test is completed at a time. Push-ups, Curl-ups and Pacers will be individually graded within the fitness percentage portion of each student's grade.
March Madness Basketball Tournament- Our on campus tournament will be held on March 2nd, 2018. All students that meet the eligibility requirements may participate. We will pass out team rosters for students to create their teams in the next couple of weeks. All teams must be by same grade level and gender. The tournament competition will be by grade level and gender. We will provide more information as the date gets closer.
District Basketball Tournament- we will select a group of students to participate and represent CLMS in our first district basketball tournament. The tournament will be held at Elsinore High School on March 23rd, 2018. More information to come.
Unity in the Community 5k &10k- ALL students are encouraged to participate in this event. It will be held at the Storm Stadium and the Levee. Family and friends are welcome as well- make sure to sign up under the CLMS team! Students may chose which distance to participate in. Each student that registers, participates and finishes the race with an official race time, will be eligible to receive exemption and full credit for each additional mile and pacers at CLMS for the rest of the school year- as long as they wear their race shirt to class and have official results for the race. More detail to follow. All participants may sign up now, if they like, at the following website:
Monday, December 18th, 2017
Here is a link to the track meet results please click below for all info:
Here is a link to the track meet results please click below for all info:
Friday, December 15, 2017
Oh my goodness! Today was AMAZING!! Cougars, you should be so proud of yourselves! You all did so great and upheld your cougar pride 100%! We hope that you had an amazing experience at (for most of you) your very first track meet! AND- the very first track event on their new all weather track. Your performances were incredible, your efforts superb, we are so proud of each and every one of you! Thank you for the privilege of being your teachers and coaches and watching you shine! Photos and results to follow!!
Monday, December 11, 2017
All track athletes! There were some typos on our original Qualifiers list... please make sure to look at the attached file below to confirm your events for Friday 12/15/17. Please make sure to turn in your athlete code of conduct and bus permission slip ASAP!!!!! Practice will be after school Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We will pass out uniforms at Thursday's practice.
Track Meet Details:
What: Middle School District Competition, Track Meet
Where: Elsinore High School
When: 9am-1pm
Order of Events:
9am: 2 mile girls(Both JV&V)
9:30am: 2 mile boys(both JV&V)
10am: 4x100m relay JV G, JV B, VG, VB
10:25: 400m JV G, JV B, VG, VB(2 heats of each)
10:50: 100m JV G, JV B, VG, VB(2 heats of each)
11:15: 800m JV G, JV B, VG, VB
12:00: 4x400m relay JV G, JV B, VG, VB
Shot Put (3 throws): 9am BV, 9:45 GV, 10:30 BJV, 11:15 GJV
High Jump: 9am GJV, 9:45 GV, 10:30 BJV, 11:15 BV
Long jump (3 jumps): 9am to 12pm open pit.
What: Middle School District Competition, Track Meet
Where: Elsinore High School
When: 9am-1pm
Order of Events:
9am: 2 mile girls(Both JV&V)
9:30am: 2 mile boys(both JV&V)
10am: 4x100m relay JV G, JV B, VG, VB
10:25: 400m JV G, JV B, VG, VB(2 heats of each)
10:50: 100m JV G, JV B, VG, VB(2 heats of each)
11:15: 800m JV G, JV B, VG, VB
12:00: 4x400m relay JV G, JV B, VG, VB
Shot Put (3 throws): 9am BV, 9:45 GV, 10:30 BJV, 11:15 GJV
High Jump: 9am GJV, 9:45 GV, 10:30 BJV, 11:15 BV
Long jump (3 jumps): 9am to 12pm open pit.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Today we posted all of the qualifying athlete names and events for the 2017 District Track & Field tournament. They are located in the boys and girls locker rooms, and we also have them on the outside window to the locker rooms as well. For your convenience, we also have them posted here:
If your name is on the list, Congratulations! There will be a mandatory meeting at break to pass out permission slips, discuss practice dates and go over the athletic contract. Please make sure to be there!
Friday, December 1st
We are just about done with our Track & Field Tryouts. On Monday and Tuesday we will finish with the 800meter run and the Shot Putt. If you were absent for any of the event tryouts last week, we will have a make-up day on Wednesday during class time. At that point we will put together our team and post it for all students on Thursday, December 7th. We will then give out more details about the field trip aspect (contract, bus permission slips, uniforms etc) and try to get together for practices up until the day of the event. The meet will be on December 15th, and as of right now it will be held at EHS. However, if the track is not complete, it will be held at Lakeside High School in their state of the art stadium with a brand new track and field. More details to follow. Thank you to all those that are taking the time to try out, it has been amazing to watch all of your talent! If you have any questions, please see your PE teacher.
Thursday, November, 16th, 2017
Congratulations to all those that participated in the Annual Turkey Trot! We are finalizing results and just need to get some information that was missing on some of the labels students used to write their names and PE periods on for the race. This was our first year trying to get everyone's times and places so please be patient with the results. The results are posted to the right. Mrs. Gilliland typed them all so please excuse any typos, however the order is correct even though there are mispellings. CHECK OUT PHOTOS on the CLASS EVENTS PAGE!
Wednesday, November 15th, 2017
Tomorrow is our annual Turkey Trot race! The course is 1.4 miles and can be viewed in the document to the left. We have discussed the course in detail over the last week and the map has also been posted on the white board outside the locker rooms! Good luck to all racers!
Friday, November 3, 2017
Cougar Pride Staff Award
Congratulations to Mr. Mac for winning one of the first Cougar Staff Pride awards! We are so thankful to have him as part of the PE staff! His knowledge and expertise of sports and health along with his fun and caring personality make him a vital member of the cougar family! We are so proud of you Mr. Mac! Well done!
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Track and Field Units
We wanted to inform everyone that today during PE we started our Track and Field Unit. All students will be introduced and taught the fundamental skills for the following events over the next 2 weeks: Shot Put, High Jump, Long Jump, 100 meter, 400 meter, 800 meters and the 2 mile run.
This unit is in preparation for our upcoming District Intermural Track Meet hosted at Elsinore High School on December 15, 2017. Qualifications for this meet will take place during PE after all students have had the opportunity to be introduced to each event and practice. Eligibility requirements will apply for students to be a part of our CLMS team. Please refer to the intramural tab for specific requirements at. Video references for each field event can be found HERE.
This unit is in preparation for our upcoming District Intermural Track Meet hosted at Elsinore High School on December 15, 2017. Qualifications for this meet will take place during PE after all students have had the opportunity to be introduced to each event and practice. Eligibility requirements will apply for students to be a part of our CLMS team. Please refer to the intramural tab for specific requirements at. Video references for each field event can be found HERE.
Tuesday, October 31st, 2017Happy Halloween everyone! Thank you to those that participated in the 5th annual Physical Education Costume Contest! To the right are the winners by PE period... please CLICK HERE to check out all the pictures from the day!
Wednesday, October 25th, 2017
Hey Everyone! The plan is to finish this week out with units on Thursday and Friday! Be ready to play! A couple more announcements:
- Don't forget to bring pennies for Thursday and Friday to finish out Penny Wars!
- Thursday is Royal day, do you have your crown? And Friday is wear red day for Red Ribbon Week! Dress up to support your fight against drugs!
- Tuesday, October 31st we will not dress out, we will have a costume contest so come dressed in your best halloween costume! Please no weapons or masks, thank you!
- Tuesday is also the Student of the Month and Character Counts assemblies! If you were a part of the CLMS World Cup Soccer Tournament and your team was reigning champion, you will be announced at the assembly and receive a prize! Make sure you are at school to get recognized!
- REMINDER! We do NOT have loaner PE clothes, please bring your clothes to school at the beginning of the week and take them home at the end of the week to wash... then you will always have your clothes for class and you will be successful daily!
District Tournament
Monday, October 16, 2017
Congratulations to the CLMS Soccer teams that participated in the district tournament held on Friday, October 13th! You all did great and represented CLMS with cougar pride! Below are some photos from the event... if you someone you know has additional photos, please email them to Mrs. Gilliland.
Thank you to all students that participated in the 5th Annual World Cup Soccer Tournament! Here are the results!
6th/7th Grade Girls:
Your Pace Or Mine(0) vs Free-Sha-Vaca-Do (6)
8th Grade Girls:
Outcasts (1) vs Intensity (0)
6th Grade Boys:
Legends (1) vs Silver Bullets (0)
7th Grade Boys:
BBB (1) vs Hypebeast (2)
8th Grade Boys:
Seachickens (0) vs United(1)
*****More photos here!!!
6th/7th Grade Girls:
Your Pace Or Mine(0) vs Free-Sha-Vaca-Do (6)
8th Grade Girls:
Outcasts (1) vs Intensity (0)
6th Grade Boys:
Legends (1) vs Silver Bullets (0)
7th Grade Boys:
BBB (1) vs Hypebeast (2)
8th Grade Boys:
Seachickens (0) vs United(1)
*****More photos here!!!
To view the current 2017 Soccer Tournament Rosters please click the adobe file to the left.
For those of you that are interested in participating in the upcoming soccer tournament, the team sign-ups deadline is tomorrow, September 8th!! Captains, please make sure to turn in your team rosters ASAP! Questions? Please see any PE teacher.
Today we went over a TON of information about PE... which can ALL be found on this website. If you ever have a question about anything to do with PE class, please look here first!
How do I open my locker?? 3.2.1...
1. Go to
2. Use your username and password provided by CLMS to log in. (Student ID# for Username)
3. Once you log in click on "messages."
4. Select your PE teacher from the drop down list.
5. Write a message including your FULL name, PE period and a fun fact about yourself. Please use complete sentences.
If you are having problems logging in, please see your teacher.
2. Use your username and password provided by CLMS to log in. (Student ID# for Username)
3. Once you log in click on "messages."
4. Select your PE teacher from the drop down list.
5. Write a message including your FULL name, PE period and a fun fact about yourself. Please use complete sentences.
If you are having problems logging in, please see your teacher.
If you are reading this you have successfully completed your first day of the new school year! We hope everyone had a great first day back and you're ready to get down to business! Here is how the rest of this week will pan out and next week tentatively:
Thursday, August 17th, 2017- Review Jupiter Ed and PE website, and go over first assignment. Due Monday
Friday, August 18th, 2017- Spirit Day! Dress up in your school colors and school spirit CLMS shirts! We will have our Character Counts kick off assemblies and you will attend by period. If you are in the 6th grade you will go to the assembly 2nd period, if you are in 7th grade you will attend 3rd period and if you are in the 8th grade you will attend 4th period. The rest of the day you will talk briefly about each character trait we will teach you about over the school year, there are six.
Monday August 21- Friday August 25: Review parts of our syllabus, and make sure all students have PE clothes. We will introduce you to new gym activities each day if time permits.
Thursday, August 17th, 2017- Review Jupiter Ed and PE website, and go over first assignment. Due Monday
Friday, August 18th, 2017- Spirit Day! Dress up in your school colors and school spirit CLMS shirts! We will have our Character Counts kick off assemblies and you will attend by period. If you are in the 6th grade you will go to the assembly 2nd period, if you are in 7th grade you will attend 3rd period and if you are in the 8th grade you will attend 4th period. The rest of the day you will talk briefly about each character trait we will teach you about over the school year, there are six.
Monday August 21- Friday August 25: Review parts of our syllabus, and make sure all students have PE clothes. We will introduce you to new gym activities each day if time permits.
This is your official welcome back! We hope you had a great summer and are ready for a new school year! Here is what the first couple of days will look like as we get back into the routine!
Monday, August 14th 2017- Print/check out your class schedule online through the infinite campus website. If you do not have access to a computer at home and/or on a cell phone, you can come to the school between 3pm
and 5pm to get a current copy.
5-5:45pm- New student and 6th grade parent meeting in the MPR
6-7:30pm- Back to school night, get a start on all you will need before the first day
Tuesday, August 15th 2017- 6th Grade & New Student Orientation, come check out the campus and get a tour of all your classes! That way you will be all ready to go on your first day of school.
Wednesday, August 16th 2017- FIRST DAY!! Look for your PE teacher's name on the black top for attendance and get ready for a great year!
Monday, August 14th 2017- Print/check out your class schedule online through the infinite campus website. If you do not have access to a computer at home and/or on a cell phone, you can come to the school between 3pm
and 5pm to get a current copy.
5-5:45pm- New student and 6th grade parent meeting in the MPR
6-7:30pm- Back to school night, get a start on all you will need before the first day
Tuesday, August 15th 2017- 6th Grade & New Student Orientation, come check out the campus and get a tour of all your classes! That way you will be all ready to go on your first day of school.
Wednesday, August 16th 2017- FIRST DAY!! Look for your PE teacher's name on the black top for attendance and get ready for a great year!
Hey there CLMS Cougars! We hope you are enjoying your summer vacation and we look forward to the upcoming school year! Look back in August for information for PE for the 2017-2018 year. Back to school night will be on Monday, August 14. Yep, that's right, BEFORE the school year starts! That way ALL the information you and your parents will need will be provided to you so you are ready to roll, day 1!!
Congratulations to all of our mile club award recipients for their amazing efforts this year! Their names and times are also listed here: MILE CLUB PEEPS. Those that were in class today received a certificate of achievement. Hold on tight to them, they are the first of their kind!! Great job everyone!
FRIDAY, MAY 19TH, 2017
As of today all students should have cleared ALL of their belongings out of the locker rooms. We will start checkout next week. You MUST be cleared with the PE teachers through the simple checkout process in order to officially be checked out of the locker room. If your lock is damaged or missing you will be responsible for replacing the lock. The debt is $6. All students will be responsible for wiping down their locker and making sure there is no graffiti, stickers or dirt in their assigned locker.
MONDAY, MAY 15, 2017
A reminder that all make-up work must be submitted by Friday, May 19th, 2017. NO EXCEPTIONS!! Reminder- it is at your PE teacher's discretion to accept make-up work from later than 1 week ago. Any questions, please see your PE Syllabus, and PE teacher.
FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2017
Our third annual March Madness Basketball Tournament is now in the books. Thank you to all the participants that formed teams, got it done in the classroom and came out and performed well at the tournament. It takes a lot of people to make days like this possible. Thank you to our awesome CLMS staff, ASB students, referees from TCHS and the positive support of the parents that came out to cheer on their kids. Here are the 1st place teams by grade level:
8th Grade Girls- Level 1 defeated Fantastic 4, 20-0
8th Grade Boys- SHH defeated NBA SK Chesse, 32-11
7th Grade Girls- Air 5 defeated SurreXraunt Imprerium, 27-6
7th Grade Boys- The McChickens defeated Ssh, 28-16
6th Grade Girls- Slam Duckies defeated L Takers, 22-0
6th Grade Boys- The Daddy's defeated The Ballers, 36-16
If you have photos from the day of the event, please email Mrs. Gilliland!
8th Grade Boys- SHH defeated NBA SK Chesse, 32-11
7th Grade Girls- Air 5 defeated SurreXraunt Imprerium, 27-6
7th Grade Boys- The McChickens defeated Ssh, 28-16
6th Grade Girls- Slam Duckies defeated L Takers, 22-0
6th Grade Boys- The Daddy's defeated The Ballers, 36-16
If you have photos from the day of the event, please email Mrs. Gilliland!
On Wednesday February 19, 2017 we completed a large portion of a HIIT workout: High Intensity Interval Training. Here is the free workout video if you would like to share it with family and friends!
Don't know about you guys, but we are SORE!!! |
The 5k and 10k results for last weekends 16th Annual Unity in the Community Races are in! If you have any photos, please email Mrs. Gilliland! Please click on the results below to check out your results!
Today we started our first annual Color Run Fundraiser. Students can collect pledges from friends and family and earn prizes. The program will culminate with their Ultra Fun Color Run activity. We greatly appreciate your participation in this program which will help fund important school activities. To get started this is what you need to do:
The Jog A Thon will occur on Wednesday, March 29th!
- STEP ONE: Go to the website. On the website's top right, enter the school's Student Access Code - COUGARS2017 Then Select "Go"
- STEP TWO: Special Prizes for Registering and sending Pledge Emails! On the registration page select "First Time? Register Here" enter parent information, then, add ALL students participating in this event from your family. Parents will receive a confirmation email with the registration information and password. Next, upload a photo of your child that will appear on all pledge emails.
- STEP THREE: Send pledge emails to Family and Friends!
- STEP FOUR: Use social media to share the pledge page
The Jog A Thon will occur on Wednesday, March 29th!
If you are looking for an opportunity for extra credit look no further here is what you need to do:
- Sign up to run in the Unity in the Community 5k, or 10k Race HERE -OR- Get a registration flyer from your PE teacher ASAP (Early registration price of $12 per student ends April 7th.
- Run in the 5k or 10K on Saturday April 15th @7:30am at the Lake Elsinore Diamond- Home of the Storm Baseball Team.
- Make sure you have a finishing time for the race... you MUST complete the run/jog/walk.
- Wear your new 5k/10k shirt to PE on Mile and Pacer days to receive FULL credit (That's right 10 points) for showing up to class. You will not have to run pacers, and you will only need to walk on mile days for the rest of the school year!
Congratulations to the following students for winning the 3rd Annual CLMS Superbowl tournament on Friday.
The 2017 Cross Country Invite at David A. Brown Middle School on February 10, 2017 was a huge success for the CLMS cougars! At the end of the day the Cougars took home the first place trophy! Below were the team standings, and to the left is a PDF of the individual race results and times. WAY TO GO COUGARS!
If you have any photos from the event, please email them to [email protected]... to see current photos please click on the intramural tab above.
If you have any photos from the event, please email them to [email protected]... to see current photos please click on the intramural tab above.
Last week, we announced to all classes that we have an additional way to make up the mile or pacers if you are absent... Mrs. Gilliland purchased a treadmill for school and we are happy to announce several students have already taken the opportunity to improve their grade by using it! There are several guidelines for using the treadmill, and they are listed in the room where the treadmill is located. Please know that this is optional, but we are so excited to provide it. Ryan Kelman completed his mile make-up run in 8:21! Great job Ryan!
Welcome back! We are starting the new year off right... dressing out right out of the gates! Get ready for a great semester of activities and events!
Cross Country practice will begin next week. More to come in the next few days.
Cross Country practice will begin next week. More to come in the next few days.
It feels like the last few weeks have flewn by! Our appologies for not utilizing the website to communicate with you more in regards to the Track & Field Day... it came and went VERY quickly! A huge thank you to all the classroom teachers for being flexible with us in regards to changing the day due to incliment weather. It is raining outside as I write this! Congratulations to ALL participants for competing! We are VERY proud ofyou!!! The top 3 athletes in EACH event for each grade level and gender will be recognized with a medal of gold, silver or bronze at the next Cougar Assembly! If you have any photos from the day, please email Mrs. Gilliland at [email protected]
Below are results from the events...
Below are results from the events...
Hope that you are all having a great week back... only 11 more school days until Christmas break! With that being said, we just wanted to remind you to make sure and check out the PE website frequently for any class activity updates.
- Make-up Pacers and Mile: If you are absent on a run day, you still have the option to complete the mile at home. However, if you are looking to improve your pacer score we have an additional way to help you. Each day that we are on the black top for "Fun Friday" type days, we will bring out the block rocker to the first Basketball court and you will have the option to complete make-up and/or extra credit pacers to help your grade and scores. This will be student-driven. If you KNOW you need to make-up pacers or the mile, please be pro-active and ask your teacher on a black top day (usually 1x every other week) so that you can improve your score and/or grade.
-Cross Country/Turkey Trot: For those that were absent for the Turkey Trot race on Friday, November 18th that would like to run for a time to try and make the XC team that will start in January, please join Mrs. Gilliland for a 1.5 mile timed run on the upper field on Wednesday, December 8th after school at 1:15pm. Please make sure to wear something comfortable, (PE clothes or equivalent) and running shoes. If you already ran the Turkey Trot race, that is your qualifying time for the XC team. The top 10 students for each grade level and gender will be invited to join in January after we complete grade check eligibility at the end of the semester.
-The first place finishers for the Turkey Trot will be announced at tomorrows assemblies in the gym, make sure to attend the assembly to receive your medal!-First period, remember tomorrow is MORP Christmas dress up day! Wear your silliest Christmas outfit to school. We have advisement schedule tomorrow, and Character counts lessons regarding Respect in each period. We will NOT dress out for PE tomorrow, you have 3 days to wash them and have them ready for next week!
-Make-up work: as the semester is drawing to a close, you have only a few days left (11) to turn in make-up work. If you have been absent, please be pro-active and see your teacher for make-up work assignments. If you know how many days you have missed, you can grab a make-up work form in the locker rooms or from the PE website:
Remember if you are absent on a run day, you must complete the mile, if you are absent on a fitness/unit day, you must complete the make-up log. See your PE teacher for more details.
-If you participated in the Turkey Trot, we will have a day to spray paint a finisher turkey on your PE shirt. We will make an additional announcement about this when it comes closer to the day that this will occur, stay tuned for more details!
- Make-up Pacers and Mile: If you are absent on a run day, you still have the option to complete the mile at home. However, if you are looking to improve your pacer score we have an additional way to help you. Each day that we are on the black top for "Fun Friday" type days, we will bring out the block rocker to the first Basketball court and you will have the option to complete make-up and/or extra credit pacers to help your grade and scores. This will be student-driven. If you KNOW you need to make-up pacers or the mile, please be pro-active and ask your teacher on a black top day (usually 1x every other week) so that you can improve your score and/or grade.
-Cross Country/Turkey Trot: For those that were absent for the Turkey Trot race on Friday, November 18th that would like to run for a time to try and make the XC team that will start in January, please join Mrs. Gilliland for a 1.5 mile timed run on the upper field on Wednesday, December 8th after school at 1:15pm. Please make sure to wear something comfortable, (PE clothes or equivalent) and running shoes. If you already ran the Turkey Trot race, that is your qualifying time for the XC team. The top 10 students for each grade level and gender will be invited to join in January after we complete grade check eligibility at the end of the semester.
-The first place finishers for the Turkey Trot will be announced at tomorrows assemblies in the gym, make sure to attend the assembly to receive your medal!-First period, remember tomorrow is MORP Christmas dress up day! Wear your silliest Christmas outfit to school. We have advisement schedule tomorrow, and Character counts lessons regarding Respect in each period. We will NOT dress out for PE tomorrow, you have 3 days to wash them and have them ready for next week!
-Make-up work: as the semester is drawing to a close, you have only a few days left (11) to turn in make-up work. If you have been absent, please be pro-active and see your teacher for make-up work assignments. If you know how many days you have missed, you can grab a make-up work form in the locker rooms or from the PE website:
Remember if you are absent on a run day, you must complete the mile, if you are absent on a fitness/unit day, you must complete the make-up log. See your PE teacher for more details.
-If you participated in the Turkey Trot, we will have a day to spray paint a finisher turkey on your PE shirt. We will make an additional announcement about this when it comes closer to the day that this will occur, stay tuned for more details!
Thank you and congratulations to all those that completed the 2nd Annual Turkey Trot! You should feel very proud of yourself for completing the 1.44 mile course. Thank you to Mrs. Bouslog, Mrs. Sulferino, Mr. Surman, Mr. Clingman and Mrs. Mondragon for also participating!! We loved watching you stay fit and joining in on the fun. Thank you for your support! Please go to the Class Events Tab to see photos and results from the event. And as always if you have photos, please email them to [email protected]
6TH GRADE WINNERS: Trinity Hale & Grant Givens
7TH GRADE WINNERS: Haley Kielty & Marcus Frias
8TH GRADE WINNERS: Gabby Decaro & Majarion Foust
6TH GRADE WINNERS: Trinity Hale & Grant Givens
7TH GRADE WINNERS: Haley Kielty & Marcus Frias
8TH GRADE WINNERS: Gabby Decaro & Majarion Foust
On Friday, we will host our 2nd annual Turkey Trot race. All students will complete the first mile for a grade this week, and then they will have the option to complete an additional 1/2 mile race for a prize. The fastest time for each grade level and gender will be recognized on Monday November 28th when we return back to school after Thanksgiving Break. There will be a District Wide Cross Country Race on Friday, February 10th, 2017. All student that participate in the Turkey Trot may possibly be invited to participate on the CLMS XC team. Below is the XC Course for reference.
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
Our first district tournament was a huge success! The day ran smoothly, there were no major injuries and all the participants did a fantastic job. Below are the final standings, the first place team overall received the district trophy:
Please click on the "Class Events" tab to see photos from the Costume Contests we had in PE throughout the day! Enjoy! Have a safe and Happy Halloween!
A reminder that we will NOT be dressing out on Monday, October 31, 2016. We will have a Halloween Costume Contest each PE period. The winners will receive a prize! Remember you may not bring weapons to class with your costume and no face masks.
Hey everyone, we found a really cool website about teen health... that's right, its all about you and how YOU can take better care of yourself. Find answers to questions like:
Does coffee stunt your growth?
What is meningitis?
What's this thing called puberty all about?
There is even helpful information for PARENTS! Make sure it's ok with your parents, and we encourage you to check it out:
Hey everyone, we found a really cool website about teen health... that's right, its all about you and how YOU can take better care of yourself. Find answers to questions like:
Does coffee stunt your growth?
What is meningitis?
What's this thing called puberty all about?
There is even helpful information for PARENTS! Make sure it's ok with your parents, and we encourage you to check it out:
Friday we have our October Cougar Pride assembly. During 2-4th period by grade level. All classes will NOT dress. We will be talking about "Citizenship," in all classes.
Reminder to District World Cup Soccer Players! We have one final practice on Wednesday, October 26th. We will meet on the lower field after school until 2:30.
Mile Club- Congrats to our new mile club students. We are going to spray paint paws next Friday, October 28th during your PE class! If you ran under 8 minutes for the second time, you will get smaller paws stamped on your shirt.
Halloween- all PE classes will not dress and we will have a Costume Contest each period. Best costume each period will receive a mile pass reward!
Reminder to District World Cup Soccer Players! We have one final practice on Wednesday, October 26th. We will meet on the lower field after school until 2:30.
Mile Club- Congrats to our new mile club students. We are going to spray paint paws next Friday, October 28th during your PE class! If you ran under 8 minutes for the second time, you will get smaller paws stamped on your shirt.
Halloween- all PE classes will not dress and we will have a Costume Contest each period. Best costume each period will receive a mile pass reward!
Click on the "MILE CLUB" tab above to check out the latest members of the cougar mile club! We will be adding MORE to the cougar mile tab soon to continue to show off all our new members and give more details about the club. In the mean time, keep breaking records!
6th grade boys: The Warriors
6th Grade Girls: The No Names
7th Grade Boys: PortuGoal
7th Grade Girls: Outkasts
8th Grade Boys: Arsenal
8th Grade Girls: Legurfawksenal
Photos are on the intramural tab above.
6th grade boys: The Warriors
6th Grade Girls: The No Names
7th Grade Boys: PortuGoal
7th Grade Girls: Outkasts
8th Grade Boys: Arsenal
8th Grade Girls: Legurfawksenal
Photos are on the intramural tab above.
- Tournament Rules are below, you may print out a copy for your reference.
- Please wear your PE clothes to school to be ready to play. Locker room will be closed all day.
- ALL soccer participants will be required to attend a meeting in the GYM at 7:40am.
- Please bring a sack lunch and water bottle to refill from our water jugs.
- Make sure to get all make-up work from ALL your teachers.
- Winning Teams will advance to participate in the district tournament on November 4, 2016.
SEPTEMBER 23, 2016
Today we reviewed the character trait responsibility and what it means. There were several videos that were shown in your first period class. For your convenience we are posting them here. First PERIOD please make sure to turn in your responses from lesson #1 in the packet to your PE teacher for a grade. Fourth PERIOD please make sure to turn in your lesson #3 reponses to your PE teachers on Monday!
SEPTEMBER 22, 2016
Please check out the attachment to the right in regards to the Soccer Tournament Rules. They will be used for both our school and district tournament.
SEPTEMBER 21, 2016
We are planning to have a Citizenship Day on October 21st to celebrate and educate students regarding what it means be a good citizen. We are reaching out to parents and family members who are in law enforcement or the military to have interactive conversations with our students about your position and good citizenship.
If you hold a position in law enforcement or the military and would like to participate in this special day or would like more information, please contact Mrs. Mondragon at [email protected] by Wednesday, September 28th.
Thank you!
If you hold a position in law enforcement or the military and would like to participate in this special day or would like more information, please contact Mrs. Mondragon at [email protected] by Wednesday, September 28th.
Thank you!
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
A Few reminders for the week:
- Intramural sign-ups for the Soccer World Cup on October 6, 2016 have begun! Please see the intramural tab for eligibility requirements. CAPTAINS: Your team roster must be submitted by Friday, September 23rd, 2016. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! You can print a sign up form from the intramural tab.
- Box Tops and Pull Tabs- PE PERIOD 1!!! Bring them to class to help your PE period win a party at the end of the year !
- Our current units, Soccer, Volleyball and weight room have started! Please make sure to be ready to play each day: dress out, put forth your best effort and have a good attitude!
- Back to school night is September 15th. If your parents would like to meet your teachers and see all of the exciting things to come in the school year please come Thursday, September 15th at 6:15 to CLMS to meet and greet.
- D & F Notices will go out this week. Please make sure to check Jupiter Ed for your most recent grades, so you can be successful this year!
- Dress out Daily! Wash your clothes over the weekend so you will be prepared every
It's important to understand that we don't always get what we want. This short video can help you learn how to accept a "no" response and will help you be successful in life.
AUGUST 31, 2016:
- Picture Day: September 8th & 9th are picture days! If you wish to purchase photos, you will need to pick up the order form from your first period class. We have extra forms in each PE locker room. You must have the form the day of pictures in order to buy them! ALL students will take a photo in their PE classes and receive a Student ID card that day. If your last name starts with an A-L you will take your photo Thursday the 8th, if you last name begins with an M-Z you will take your photo on Friday the 9th.
- D & F Notifications: Our first D & F notifications are due to administration on September 9th, please make sure to stay on top of all of your grades via Jupiter Ed so you are passing your classes.
- Soccer World Cup: Our soccer world cup tournament will be on Thursday, October 6th. In preparation for all that want to participate in the tournament, one of our first units will be soccer. If you are interested in participating in the tournament we highly encourage you to sign up for the soccer unit for class time. (We did this yesterday in class). If you have questions, please come talk with me.
- Attendance: if you are absent from PE (excused or non) you must complete make-up work to receive your missed points. Make sure to download the make-up work form from the PE website:( and talk with your teacher about what you missed. You have one week upon returning to school to complete make-up work.
If you need to purchase PE Clothes we will be going to the ASB window next week by class. Please bring your money with you on the allotted day:
Mrs. Upton- Monday
Mrs. Gilliland- Tuesday
Mr. Wierenga- Wednesday
Mr. McEvilly- Thursday
Mrs. Upton- Monday
Mrs. Gilliland- Tuesday
Mr. Wierenga- Wednesday
Mr. McEvilly- Thursday
Welcome back! We are looking forward to an amazing school year! Please check back regularly as we will be updating our website to help you learn all about CLMS Physical Education. In the meantime, here is a little motivational video for the year! Let's show our COUGAR PRIDE!
In order to be cleared for end of the year activities, you must be cleared from PE (in addition to your other classes and the library and bookkeeper etc.) The requirements for PE check out are as follows and will begin this week:
1. Clear all of your belongings out of your locker. Bring a plastic bag from home or see the PE office for a bag.
2. Clean out any dirt, stains, dust and mess that may be inside your locker- please use a paper towel and water- and cleaning spray if necessary. The PE teachers can provide you with these materials.
3. Leave your lock on your locker, with the door open and the lock LOCKED in the opening hole.
4. A PE teacher must physically check your locker to make sure step 1, 2 & 3 have been completed. If all is clear- THEN a PE teacher will sign you off for end of the year check out.
*** If you are not cleared from PE your name will be added to the debt list and you may be prevented from participating in end of the year activities! ****
Have a great summer!!!
1. Clear all of your belongings out of your locker. Bring a plastic bag from home or see the PE office for a bag.
2. Clean out any dirt, stains, dust and mess that may be inside your locker- please use a paper towel and water- and cleaning spray if necessary. The PE teachers can provide you with these materials.
3. Leave your lock on your locker, with the door open and the lock LOCKED in the opening hole.
4. A PE teacher must physically check your locker to make sure step 1, 2 & 3 have been completed. If all is clear- THEN a PE teacher will sign you off for end of the year check out.
*** If you are not cleared from PE your name will be added to the debt list and you may be prevented from participating in end of the year activities! ****
Have a great summer!!!
So great to see such an awesome CLMS turnout as always!! Congrats to everyone for finishing!!
Please click on the class events tab to see pictures from the race!
Click here for 5k Results
Click here for 10k Results
Please click on the class events tab to see pictures from the race!
Click here for 5k Results
Click here for 10k Results
Thank you to all the participants in this years World Cup Tournament. Please click on the class events page to view photos of the tournament. Congratulations to the winning teams below:
6th Boys: Sea Chickens 6th Grade Girls: Outkast
Captain: Kraig Edwards Captain: CJ Davidson
Bryce Roe Mia Golovich
Christian Hahn Allison Broke
Jeremiah Obispo Haley Garcia
Joey Chambers Klarissa Sanchez
Marcus Frias Haley Kielty
Robert Castruita Cassandra Gutierrez
Ray LaFontaine Ryan Boatman
7th Boys 3-Hana 7th Grade Girls- Chaos
Captain: Kristian Bendiksen Captain: Kendra Bensley
Seth Langland Jayden Chornomud
Diego Covarrubias Megan Moreno
Santiago London Nayeli Vasquez
Nolan Fitzgerald Emelyah Banzon
Joel Romo Hailee Miller
Jim Chang Gabby DeCaro
Evan Gile Kelly Hardwick
8th Boys- Pineapple Express 8th Grade Girls- Blue Balls
Captain: Jose Vera Captain: Gabby Hollins
Angel Tenorio Ximena Munoz
Bryan Gomez Samii Ledezma
Branson Kaiser Taylor Funk
Byron Sanchez Tavia Fontenot
Angel Cervantes Kailene Olson
Caleb Wells Kayleen Boatman
Samuel Kweon
6th Boys: Sea Chickens 6th Grade Girls: Outkast
Captain: Kraig Edwards Captain: CJ Davidson
Bryce Roe Mia Golovich
Christian Hahn Allison Broke
Jeremiah Obispo Haley Garcia
Joey Chambers Klarissa Sanchez
Marcus Frias Haley Kielty
Robert Castruita Cassandra Gutierrez
Ray LaFontaine Ryan Boatman
7th Boys 3-Hana 7th Grade Girls- Chaos
Captain: Kristian Bendiksen Captain: Kendra Bensley
Seth Langland Jayden Chornomud
Diego Covarrubias Megan Moreno
Santiago London Nayeli Vasquez
Nolan Fitzgerald Emelyah Banzon
Joel Romo Hailee Miller
Jim Chang Gabby DeCaro
Evan Gile Kelly Hardwick
8th Boys- Pineapple Express 8th Grade Girls- Blue Balls
Captain: Jose Vera Captain: Gabby Hollins
Angel Tenorio Ximena Munoz
Bryan Gomez Samii Ledezma
Branson Kaiser Taylor Funk
Byron Sanchez Tavia Fontenot
Angel Cervantes Kailene Olson
Caleb Wells Kayleen Boatman
Samuel Kweon
Please check out the link below because we need your opinion about class for next year. Click the link and tell us what you think!
7th Period Implementation
7th Period Implementation
World Cup News
There is a slight possibility that the World Cup Tournament may be postponed due to inclement weather. Please check in with your PE teacher for updated info. Thanks! Good luck to all the participating teams!!
Hoping that everyone can check out this short video link... May it encourage you to do your best daily!
KOLBIE JOY GILLILAND HAS ARRIVED!Born at 11:33am, weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces and 19.5 inches long, she's just perfect! Thought I would share a picture with my CLMS student family. ☘💕
Fitness Article Link: 1/12/2016Today in some of the PE classes we told you about a PE article that talked about Inland Empire kids failing at Fitness... here is a link to the website:
Inland Students Flunk PE Test: Link Still need help opening your locker? Check out this video for some pointers!
The World Cup Soccer tournament will be held on Friday, April 8th, 2016. Sign up sheets were handed out Monday, March 14th. All completed forms will need to be returned by the captain of each team by Wednesday, March 23rd. All teams will be cross-referenced with the restriction list and any students on the list will be removed from the teams. If you have any questions, please contact your PE teacher.

Soccer Team Sign Up Form | |
File Size: | 15 kb |
File Type: | docx |
The Annual Unity in the Community 5k and 10k race is coming up!! Flyers were handed out today! Here is the info:
What: 5k, 10k and kids fun run
When: Saturday, April 16, 2016 @7:00am
Where: Storm Baseball Diamond
How much?: $15 for all students The cheapest race you'll ever find!!
All students that participate in the 5k or 10k and finish will have an opportunity for extra credit in PE the rest of the year on mile days. You must start and finish the race and have a recorded finishing time. Wear your race shirt on mile days and get full credit!!
What you get: Shirt, finisher medal, goody bag, freebies from the community from local vendors. Bragging rights if you beat Mr. Clingman!!
Remember to register with the CLMS team!!!
What: 5k, 10k and kids fun run
When: Saturday, April 16, 2016 @7:00am
Where: Storm Baseball Diamond
How much?: $15 for all students The cheapest race you'll ever find!!
All students that participate in the 5k or 10k and finish will have an opportunity for extra credit in PE the rest of the year on mile days. You must start and finish the race and have a recorded finishing time. Wear your race shirt on mile days and get full credit!!
What you get: Shirt, finisher medal, goody bag, freebies from the community from local vendors. Bragging rights if you beat Mr. Clingman!!
Remember to register with the CLMS team!!!
Congratulations to all the winners of the March Madness Tournament! Thank you to all that participated! It is IMPERATIVE that you all understand the purpose of these events is to promote positive sportsmanship and to reward those that are getting it done in the classroom. If you want to play, but your grades and/or behavior in class are unacceptable, you need to make the necessary changes to be eligible.
Final Game Scores: 6th Grade Boys: Team USA 24, The Ballers 10 6th & 7th Grade Girls: Avengers 16, Wacky Watermelons 2 7th Grade Boys: Dream Team 22, Splash Buddies 21 8th Grade Girls: Team Sheet 26, Pink Dinos 10 8th Grade Boys: Boogie Men 23, America 7 Photos & videos on the Class Events Tab... |
As we approach the month of March, and get closer to our physical fitness testing time, we wanted to make sure parents are aware of the required state standards for all of the testing. Your child's fitness grades are based on the California State Standards put into place by the state, not by your child's teachers. For the mile, pacers, curl-ups and push-ups they are graded 0-10 points. Ten points being an A+. During fitness testing, they will receive 2x's the points possible for each exercise. They have been shown this chart the entire school year and understand the expectations for passing and surpassing the standards. Please review this chart with your child to encourage them to push themselves each day in class as the state testing approaches. If you have any questions, please ask your child first, and then contact your child's PE teacher.
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
We have several events coming up in the next few months! Please make sure to click on the class events and intramurals tabs for more information!
Lake Elsinore Youth Basketball Tryouts
Attention all students interested in participating in basketball after school! There will be tryouts for youth basketball leagues 6th-8th grade at TCHS on February 23rd starting at 4:30pm. If you are interested, please print out the flyer below and turn in ASAP.
Contact info: Michele Sapp: [email protected]
Contact info: Michele Sapp: [email protected]

CLMS Basketball Tryouts Flyer | |
File Size: | 411 kb |
File Type: | docx |
In light of our upcoming unit and March Madness on Wednesday, March 2nd, it is only appropriate for all the "ballers" to be inspired by a coach that took an average college team to the NCAA championship game. Above all odds, they overcame being the underdogs... to champions. Ten years later, Coach "V" was given an ESPY award and gave a speech that is still used to motivate athletes! Seven weeks after his speech, he passed away from cancer. Each and every one of us should take his words to heart... "Don't give up, don't ever give up!"
Track & Field Success!
Great job to all our track & field participants! Special congratulations to Logan Brace for breaking the boys shot putt record with a throw of 41'0" and the high jump with a score of 157 cm. Teah Aston broke the 100m girls record with a time of 14.00 and Brianna Martilla snatched 3 school records the 400m sprint with a time of 59.19, the high jump with a record of 137cm, and the mile with a time of 6:00.89. The top three athletes in each grade level, gender for each event will receive medals at the assembly in February.

Top 3 Finishers All Events | |
File Size: | 197 kb |
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Welcome back everyone! Happy New Year! We are going to hit the ground running... for some of you! We will dress out starting the first day back, please make sure to put your PE clothes into your back pack when you prep for school. We dress EVERY DAY, RAIN OR SHINE!! Our first day back is Tuesday, January 12, 2016!
Wednesday and Thursday will be days for all track and field participants to practice their events. Please make sure to look at the posted lists to see which events you qualified for. For all running events, the top 12 times are qualifiers. All field events have posted qualifying students. Friday January 15th is the big day. We will provide a schedule for all athletes. You will only miss 2 periods of class and you will be responsible for any make-up work.
Wednesday and Thursday will be days for all track and field participants to practice their events. Please make sure to look at the posted lists to see which events you qualified for. For all running events, the top 12 times are qualifiers. All field events have posted qualifying students. Friday January 15th is the big day. We will provide a schedule for all athletes. You will only miss 2 periods of class and you will be responsible for any make-up work.
Friendly reminder...
A reminder that we dress out EVERY DAY! It is now cold, please be prepared by dressing accordingly. Sweats and sweatshirts without pockets are required warm attire and beanies and gloves are allowed.
World Record...

Over the next 3 weeks we will introduce all of our Track and Field events to each class. You will learn and have the opportunity to participate in all or some of the following:
High Jump, Long Jump, Shot Putt, 100m, 200m, 400m and mile run
Our track meet is scheduled for January 15, 2016
High Jump, Long Jump, Shot Putt, 100m, 200m, 400m and mile run
Our track meet is scheduled for January 15, 2016

What: Turkey Trot!
When: Thanksgiving morning @7am
Where: The Levee at the Lake Elsinore Storm Stadium
What: 5k run, walk, bike, walk the dog fun run
Price: FREE!!! Extra Credit for CLMS PE Student Participants!
All you have to do is check in with Mrs. Gilliland after you run and you can get extra credit for PE!
When: Thanksgiving morning @7am
Where: The Levee at the Lake Elsinore Storm Stadium
What: 5k run, walk, bike, walk the dog fun run
Price: FREE!!! Extra Credit for CLMS PE Student Participants!
All you have to do is check in with Mrs. Gilliland after you run and you can get extra credit for PE!
First Annual CLMS Turkey Trot
If you would like the top student times they are listed to the right! *** PLEASE EMAIL PHOTOS TO MRS. GILLILAND!!!
11/19/- CONGRATS TO ALL OUR RACERS THAT FINISHED!! Results will be posted online by tomorrow afternoon!! So proud of you all!!!!
11/16- Our first annual Turkey Trot will be held in each physical education class on Thursday, November 19, 2015. It will be our mile run for the week. If students wish to participate in the additional distance to complete the race, then they will continue along the course to participate. There will be a prize for the winner of each grade level and gender. Below is a copy of the course map... you may print a copy of it from the attached document if you like:
11/16- Our first annual Turkey Trot will be held in each physical education class on Thursday, November 19, 2015. It will be our mile run for the week. If students wish to participate in the additional distance to complete the race, then they will continue along the course to participate. There will be a prize for the winner of each grade level and gender. Below is a copy of the course map... you may print a copy of it from the attached document if you like:
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
104 and RUNNING! No excuses!
Our 3rd Annual Halloween costume contest was a hit! If you would like to see more pictures, please go to the class events page.
Fun Times with Fitness!
10/28/2015-Minimum days don't slow us down! Check out this video from one of our physical education classes. We spiced up our fitness with a little partner exercise called, "Meet in the Middle!" Every class did REALLY great!
2nd Annual CLMS Superbowl Tournament10/16/2015 Thank you to all of our tournament participants! Your hard work and positive attitudes made yet again for another successful year of football! Click here to see photos from the event.
Congratulations to the winning teams: Girls Tournament winners: Victorious Secret 8th Grade Boys: Hippie Sabotage 7th Grade Boys: Dream Team 6th Grade Boys: Seahawks If you have photos you would like to be posted on the website from the event please email: [email protected] 10/14/2016 Our second annual Superbowl Tournament will be held on Friday, October 16th, 2015. Below are the rules that every athlete participating will receive, along with the teams schedules for the day. Non-athletes will be allowed to spectate during THEIR PE CLASS ONLY! Parents are welcome to come and watch, but we ask that they please check in at the front office and wear a guest badge. Relay For Life Wednesday, October 7th will be our annual Relay for Life walk during our PE classes. Wear PINK to support Cancer survivors. Tax deductible donations will be accepted during class. ALL donations will go directly to the American Cancer Society.
**Update- Photos were taken of the event. Please check out the "Class Activities" tab to see photos from your class. Thank you to all that donated! CLMS PE and students donated almost $400 to the American Cancer Society! Football sign- ups reminder!Just a reminder that football intramural sign up sheets are due by this Friday 9/25/15... all teammates must sign the form in order for it to be accepted.
If you would like to know the dates for ALL the tournaments, please click on the intramural page. Back to School Night
Back to school night is Thursday, September 17th from 6pm to 7:45. PARENTS- please make it a priority to attend and get to know your child's teachers! We look forward to meeting you and working together to help your children be successful this year!
Our first intramural class tournament, football, will be on Friday, October 16th, 2015. Team sign up forms will be passed out on Friday, September 18th, 2015 in all PE classes. If you wish to sign-up with a team, please make sure you do not have any D or F grades, and N's or U's for citizenship. All forms must be turned in to PE by Friday, September 25th, 2015
Kona Ice Fundraiser during picture day!
Don't forget to support CLMS PE and ASB by purchasing a Kona Ice during your PE Class, break or lunch.
![]() 9/10/15 Thursday- Picture Day Last name A-L
9/11/18 Friday- Picture Day Last name M-Z If you wish to purchase pictures, please make sure to have the paperwork and payment filled out and with your child on picture day. |
REMINDER! 8/17/2015
Today the PE Syllabus was handed out in class, as well as the CLMS Syllabus test. Both assignments are to be completed and returned to your PE class on 8/18/2015.
If you lost your copy, or somehow did not receive a copy, you can print out a copy from the tab above labelled, "Documents."
Today the PE Syllabus was handed out in class, as well as the CLMS Syllabus test. Both assignments are to be completed and returned to your PE class on 8/18/2015.
If you lost your copy, or somehow did not receive a copy, you can print out a copy from the tab above labelled, "Documents."